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62 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. 365 penguins (39820) P 2006 Call#: E FROBook 
  2. Balance the birds (38226) PJ 2018 Call#: E GHABook 
  3. Bean thirteen (38231) PI 2007 Call#: E MCEBook 
  4. Beep beep, vroom vroom! (38207) P 2000 Call#: E MURBook 
  5. Betcha! (38225) P 1997 Call#: E MURBook 
  6. A chair for my mother (38689) PJ 1982 Call#: E WILBook 
  7. Circles (38228) PI 2016 Call#: E ADLBook 
  8. Count to 100 (38209) P 2016 Call#: E BROBook 
  9. Counting on Frank (39939) PI 1991 Call#: E CLEBook 
  10. Counting on zero (33753) 2007 Call#: CUR E COUBook 
  11. Crash! Boom! : a math tale (38237) PI 2018 Call#: E HARBook 
  12. Equal shmequal (38202) P 2005 Call#: E KRO Digital files attached, click title name for details Book 
  13. Fibonacci Zoo (38239) PI 2015 Call#: E ROBBook 
  14. Five creatures (38200) P 2005 Call#: E JENBook 
  15. Fraction action (38224) P 1994 Call#: E LEEBook 
  16. Greater estimations (38519) PJ 2016 Call#: E GOLBook 
  17. The greedy triangle (33752) 1994 Call#: CUR E BUR Digital files attached, click title name for details Book 
  18. Growing patterns : fibonacci numbers in nature (38204) PI 2010 Call#: E CAMBook 
  19. How big is a foot? (39810) PJ 1990 Call#: E MYLBook 
  20. How high is the sky (39830) P 2009 Call#: E MILBook 
  21. How much is a million? (38578) P 1993 Call#: E SCHBook 
  22. How tall, how short, how faraway (39815) PI 1999 Call#: E ADLBook 
  23. The Hueys in None the number (38938) 2015 Call#: E JEFBook 
  24. A hundred billion trillion stars (38229) PI 2017 Call#: E FISBook 
  25. I know numbers! (38233) P 2017 Call#: E GOMBook 
  26. I see a pattern here (38208) PJ 2015 Call#: E GOLBook 
  27. Inch by inch (39823) PJ 1960 Call#: E LIOBook 
  28. Jump, leap, count sheep! : a Canadian wildlife 123 (38234) P 2017 Call#: E VALBook 
  29. Length (40090) P 2018 Call#: E PLUBook 
  30. Math curse (20188) 1995 Call#: CUR E SCIBook 
  31. Math fables (33773) PJ 2004 Call#: CUR E TANBook 
  32. Measuring Penny (39826) PI 1997 Call#: E LEEBook 
  33. Millions, Billions & Trillions : Understanding Big Numbers (40785) PI 2013 Call#: 513.21 ADLBook 
  34. Minnie's diner : a multiplying menu (38199) PJ 2004 Call#: E DODBook 
  35. One (37361) PI 2008 Call#: E OTOBook 
  36. Out on the ice (39971) 2016 Call#: E BAIBook 
  37. The picnic problem : (math) (38242) PI 2018 Call#: E LITBook 
  38. A place for Zero : a math adventure (33928) P 2003 Call#: CUR E LOPBook 
  39. Prehistoric actual size (39811) 2005 Call#: E JENBook 
  40. A remainder of one (38205) PI 1995 Call#: E PIN Digital files attached, click title name for details Book 
  41. Round (38235) P 2017 Call#: E SIDBook 
  42. Seeing symmetry (38206) PIJ 2012 Call#: E LEEBook 
  43. Sir Cumference and the first round table : a math adventure (33767) PIJ 1997 Call#: CUR E NEUBook 
  44. Tally O'Malley (38240) PI 2004 Call#: E MURBook 
  45. Ten black dots (38203) PJ 1986 Call#: E CREBook 
  46. Ten magic butterflies (38232) PJ 2018 Call#: E MCKBook 
  47. This book thinks you're a math genius (38243) PI 2017 Call#: E AMSBook 
  48. Visual guide to math (38241) PIJ 2018 Call#: E WILBook 
  49. What do you do with a problem? (37266) PI 2016 Call#: E YAMBook 
  50. What in the world? : numbers in nature (38236) PI 2015 Call#: E DAYBook 
  51. What shape is it? (38227) PI 2017 Call#: E WALBook 
  52. What's your angle Pythagoras? : a math adventure (38691) PI 2004 Call#: E ELLBook 
  53. Which one doesn't belong? : a shapes book (38725) PIJST 2016 Call#: E DANBook 
  54. Zero (38707) P 2010 Call#: E OTOBook 

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