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Search: Music--Study and teaching

65 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. Alphabet action songs (35743) P 2009 Call#: 782.14 GAGCompact Disc 
  2. The elephant's child (33571) PIJ 1997 Call#: CUR 782.14 ELEKit 
  3. A bear-y merry holiday : a winter musical for young singers (35283) PI 2009 Call#: FA 782.14 JACCompact Disc 
  4. Blue is the sea : music, dance & visual arts (35040) 2011 Call#: CUR 780.7 LOPBook 
  5. Boomwhackers (16123) PIJS 2001 Call#: KT 0326 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  6. Whacked on classics (33566) PI 2003 Call#: CUR 780.7 WHAKit 
  7. Whacked on classics II (33567) PIJ 2004 Call#: CUR 780.7 WHAKit 
  8. Boomwhackers : classroom set of 27 (41132) PIJ 2022 Call#: KT 0327 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  9. Boomwhackers: Pentatonic tubes (34659) Call#: KT 0328 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  10. Canadian folk songs for young voices : volume 1 (35278) 2011 Call#: CUR 782.5 CASBook 
  11. Canadian folk songs for young voices : volume 2 (35279) 2011 Call#: CUR 782.5 CASBook 
  12. Canadian folk songs for young voices : volume 3 (35280) 2011 Call#: CUR 782.5 CASBook 
  13. Christmas Music Lessons (41076) T 2015 Call#: 780.7 CASBook 
  14. Easy Bucket Drumming (41077) PIJS 2017 Call#: 780.7 PEABook 
  15. Fine arts - movement and music (31578) P 2009 Call#: PS 0005 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  16. Growing with music : Key stage 2 (31369) PI 1992 Call#: CUR 780.7 STOBook 
  17. Indigenous singers of Canada (40251) 2018 Call#: 782.42 CASBook 
  18. Intery mintery : nursery rhymes for body, voice and Orff ensemble (35112) T 2008 Call#: CUR 780.71 GOO InfoSheet Music
  19. It's Christmas, Carol! (33574) PIJ 2005 Call#: CUR 782.14 JACKit 
  20. It's Saturday! (33572) PIJ 1995 Call#: CUR 782.14 HUFKit 
  21. Jazz it up! (33191) PI 2005 Call#: FA 781.65 DAVCompact Disc 
  22. Kids make music! : clapping and tapping from Bach to rock (23487) T 1993 Call#: TOC 780 HARBook 
  23. Know your note names (32137) I 2007 Call#: FA 780.1 HARKit 
  24. Know your rhythms (32138) I 2008 Call#: FA 781 HARKit 
  25. The legend of Polar Mountain (33573) PIJ 2002 Call#: 782.14 JACKit 
  26. Music and language circle games : for children ages 3-9 (34091) P 2006 Call#: CUR 780.77 GIECompact Disc 
  27. Music builders I (23554) P 2000 Call#: KT 0766
  28. Music builders II (23555) P 2000 Call#: KT 0767
  29. Music builders III (23558) P 2000 Call#: KT 0768
  30. Music builders IV (23559) PI 2000 Call#: KT 0769
  31. Music builders K (23557) P 2000 Call#: KT 0765
  32. Music builders V (23560) PI 2000 Call#: KT 0770
  33. Music builders VI (23561) PI 2000 Call#: KT 0771
  34. The music substitute sourcebook : Grades 4-8 (33594) IJ 2007 Call#: CUR 780.76 LUPBook 
  35. Music with children : the creative approach to music education (17780) IT 1971 Call#: FA 780.7 NAS InfoSheet Music
  36. What a fine day! (33570) PIJ 2006 Call#: CUR 782.14 JENKit 
  37. Musicplay grade 1 music program (16184) T 1997 Call#: KT 0358 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  38. Musicplay grade 2 music program (16185) T 1997 Call#: KT 0359 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  39. Musicplay grade 3 music program (16186) T 1997 Call#: KT 0360 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  40. Musicplay grade 4 music program (16187) T 1997 Call#: KT 0361 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  41. Musicplay grade 5 music program (16188) T 1997 Call#: KT 0362 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  42. Musicplay kindergarten music program (25666) T 2003 Call#: KT 0356Kit 
  43. Musicplay middle school music program (32135) T 1997 Call#: KT 0357 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  44. Nutcracker (33577) PIJ 1986 Call#: CUR 782.14 NUTKit 
  45. Orff day by day : classroom projects in music and movement (23315) PI 1997 Call#: FA 786.8 BRA InfoSheet Music
  46. Santa goes green (33576) PIJ 2008 Call#: CUR 782.14 JACKit 
  47. Santa's holiday playlist (33575) PIJ 2009 Call#: CUR 782.14 JACKit 
  48. Santa's online adventure: an all-school multi-cultural musical (35740) PI 1997 Call#: 782.14 GAGCompact Disc 
  49. Song-play : a collection of playful songs for children ages 4-7 (22271) T 1999 Call#: FA 782.42 SON InfoSheet Music
  50. Songs for Christmas (35745) PI 2003 Call#: 782.14 CASCompact Disc 
  51. Tube jams : improvisational riffs for Boomwhackers ; grade 3-6 (34594) PI 2011 Call#: CUR 780.7 SCH InfoSheet Music
  52. The Usborne Internet-linked music theory for beginners (30955) 2003 Call#: FA 780.7 DAN InfoSheet Music
  53. The Usborne introduction to music (31262) 2006 Call#: FA 780.7 OBRBook 
  54. Usborne introduction to music (30858) PIJ 2006 Call#: FA 780.7 OBRBook 

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