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Search: Drama in education.

19 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. Beginning drama 11-14 (21727) IT 1999 Call#: CUR 372.66 NEEBook 
  2. Caught in the act : drama in the classroom. Teacher guide (20577) 1989 Call#: FA 792.0226 MCLBook 
  3. Drama themes : a practical guide for teaching drama (18104) 1988 Call#: FA 372.66 SWABook 
  4. Into the story : language in action through drama (26896) T 2004 Call#: 372.66 MILBook 
  5. Live on stage! (teacher's edition) (26945) J 1997 Call#: CUR 372.66 BLABook 
  6. Portable Puppet Theatre & Puppets (33785) PI 2010 Call#: KT 1890 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  7. A practical guide to drama in the secondary school (19243) 1975 Call#: FA 792.0712 SELBook 
  8. Problem-solving through drama : solutions (24391) T 1986 Call#: CUR 372.66 STEBook 
  9. Readers theatre. part 1: native legends (37263) IJ 2006 Call#: 792.0226 REEBook 
  10. Readers theatre. part 2: folktales (34096) IJ 2006 Call#: CUR 792.0226 REEBook 
  11. Readers theatre. part 3: tall tales (31692) IJ 2006 Call#: CUR 792.0226 REEBook 
  12. Readers theatre : scripted rhymes and rhythms (20268) 1995 Call#: 792.0226 BRABook 
  13. The writing process (21114) Call#: CUR 372.623 WRIBook 

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