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Search: First Nations--History

38 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. New: 08-Dec-2023 The 10 most significant crossroads in aboriginal history (41881) IJ 2008 Call#: 970.41 BEABook 
  2. Aboriginal peoples : building for the future (21902) S 1999 Call#: 970.1 REEBook 
  3. Aboriginal peoples : building for the future. (26039) S 1999 Call#: 970.1 REEBook 
  4. Bella Coola (35706) 1953 Call#: 971.004 BELBook 
  5. Coast Salish (35699) 1952 Call#: 971.004 COABook 
  6. Déné (35705) 1953 Call#: 971.004 DENBook 
  7. Discovering first peoples and first contacts (29323) IJ 2000 Call#: FN 971.004 FRABook 
  8. The encyclopaedia of the first peoples of North America (22644) JS 1999 Call#: FN 970.403 GREBook 
  9. The fur trade in the West (37783) Call#: 971.01 ARNBook 
  10. Haida (35700) 1952 Call#: 971.004 HAIBook 
  11. I lost my talk (40451) PIJS 2021 Call#: 811.54 JOEBook 
  12. I lost my talk [6 books] (41478) PI 2019 Call#: LIT SUR 3-7Kit 
  13. Introduction to our native peoples (35698) 1951 Call#: 971.004 INTBook 
  14. KAIROS Blanket Exercise (38622) IJS 2019 Call#: KT 1845 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  15. Kootenay (35704) 1952 Call#: 971.004 KOOBook 
  16. Kwakiutl (35703) 1953 Call#: 971.004 KWABook 
  17. National historic sites of Canada : system plan (23269) T 2002 Call#: 971 NATBook 
  18. Nootka (35701) 1952 Call#: 971.004 NOOBook 
  19. Peace pipe dreams : the truth about lies about Indians (40407) 2014 Call#: 970.41 DENBook 
  20. Prison of grass : Canada from a Native point of view (16945) 1989 Call#: FN 971.00497 ADABook 
  21. Reel Injun = Hollywood et les Indiens (34703) JS 2010 Call#: DV 0747DVD 
  22. A Stó:lo-Coast Salish historical atlas : teacher's guide (34483) 2001 Call#: FN 911.711 JOSBook 
  23. They shared to survive : the native peoples of Canada (16997) 1975 Call#: FN 970.41 DEWBook 
  24. Through Indian eyes : the untold story of native peoples (33750) 1996 Call#: CUR 970.47 THRBook 
  25. Tsimshian (35702) 1952 Call#: 971.004 TSIBook 

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