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Search: First Nations--British Columbia

18 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. Bella Coola (35706) 1953 Call#: 971.004 BELBook 
  2. Coast Salish (35699) 1952 Call#: 971.004 COABook 
  3. Colours of the Islands (36154) PI 1987 Call#: 970.3 ADABook 
  4. Déné (35705) 1953 Call#: 971.004 DENBook 
  5. Haida (35700) 1952 Call#: 971.004 HAIBook 
  6. Introduction to our native peoples (35698) 1951 Call#: 971.004 INTBook 
  7. Island fun (36160) P 1984 Call#: 970.3 ADABook 
  8. Kamloops Indian Band timeline (36260) JS Call#: KT 0751
  9. Kootenay (35704) 1952 Call#: 971.004 KOOBook 
  10. Kwakiutl (35703) 1953 Call#: 971.004 KWABook 
  11. The man who became and eagle : a Haida legend (33976) P 1984 Call#: CUR 398.2 ENRBook 
  12. Nootka (35701) 1952 Call#: 971.004 NOOBook 
  13. Shuswap family members (34011) 1985 Call#: CUR 971.100 SHU
  14. A traveller's guide to aboriginal B.C. (20893) 1996 Call#: FN 970.411 COUBook 
  15. Tsimshian (35702) 1952 Call#: 971.004 TSIBook 
  16. We are the Shuswap [6 books] (37901) PIJS 1988 Call#: INQ 3-12Kit 

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