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Search: Death--Fiction

26 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. Blood sport (39673) PIJS Call#: FIC MCABook 
  2. The bravest thing (23871) PI 1997
  3. Bridge to Terabithia (37235) IJ 1977 Call#: CD FIC PATCompact Disc 
  4. Bridge to Terabithia [6 copies] (26465) I 1977 Call#: LIT SUR 6/7 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  5. Clap when you land (41162) JS 2020 Call#: FIC ACEBook 
  6. Everything all at once (38866) JS Call#: FIC LENBook 
  7. Ghost boys (39194) IJ Call#: FIC RHOBook 
  8. Ghost boys [6 books] (39237) IJ 2018 Call#: LIT REA 4-9 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  9. How it went down (41155) JS 2014 Call#: FIC MAGBook 
  10. The hunger games [CD-ROM] (33950) I 2008 Call#: CD FIC COLCompact Disc 
  11. I'll give you the sun (38834) JS Call#: FIC NELBook 
  12. Little voice [6 books] (23402) I 2001 Call#: LIT FAM 6/7Kit 
  13. Love, Ruby Lavender (23860) PI 2002
  14. A mango-shaped space [6 books] (36579) I 2003 Call#: LIT FRI 6/7 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  15. New: 20-Sep-2024 A mango-shaped space : a novel (42360) IJ 2005 Call#: FIC MASBook 
  16. Maniac Magee [6 books] (27220) IJ 1990 Call#: LIT SUR 5/6 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  17. Noggin (38355) JS Call#: FIC WHABook 
  18. An ordinary day (39636) PJ 2020 Call#: E ARNBook 
  19. Pumpkin and me (41278) P 2022 Call#: E ACOBook 
  20. Reproduction : a novel (38865) Call#: FIC WILBook 
  21. The run-aways (38869) PI Call#: FIC STABook 
  22. Scythe (38895) JS Call#: FIC SHUBook 
  23. A taste of blackberries [6 books] (26800) PI 1973 Call#: LIT REA 3/4 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  24. They Both Die at the End (39151) JS 2017 Call#: FIC SIL
  25. Walk two moons (22724) IJ 1995 Call#: FN FIC CREBook 
  26. Whale song [6 books] (29363) I 2007 Call#: LIT FAM 6/7Kit 

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