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Search: Educational evaluation

37 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. Alberta diagnostic reading program (24281) T 1988 Call#: CUR 153.9 DIABook 
  2. The Assessment of Functional Living Skills Kit (40936) PIJS 2012 Call#: KT 1961 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  3. The conferring handbook (26169) PT 2003 Call#: CUR 372.6 CALBook 
  4. Evaluating sources (28250) IJS 2004 Call#: DV 0118 Digital files attached, click title name for details DVD 
  5. Leading the way to making classroom assessment work (35137) 2008 Call#: 371.26 DAVBook 
  6. Making classroom assessment work (34832) T 2007 Call#: CUR 371.26 DAVBook 
  7. Reading & responding 4 : assessment to guide instruction (31208) T 2006 Call#: 372.4 BROBook 
  8. Reading & responding 5 : assessment to guide instruction (31209) T 2006 Call#: 372.4 BROBook 
  9. Results : the key to continuous school improvement (20574) T 1999 Call#: 371.2 SCHBook 
  10. Social responsibility : a framework, RB 0140 (24111) T 2001 Call#: MIN RB SOC RES 2001Book 
  11. Student-involved classroom assessment (26188) T 2001 Call#: 371.26 STI c.3Book 
  12. Understanding by design (27867) PST 2006 Call#: 375.001 WIGBook 
  13. Writing measurable IEP goals and objectives (29443) T 2006 Call#: 371.93 BATBook 

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