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Search: Children's songs

29 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. 60 silly songs (22265) PI 1993 Call#: FA 782.42 SIXCompact Disc 
  2. The Christmas gift (25943) P 1990 Call#: FA 782.42 DIACompact Disc 
  3. Early years songs and rhymes (21968) P 1994 Call#: FA 782.42 WIT
  4. F.I.T. : build healthy kids though songs & activities (33565) PI 2008 Call#: KT 1761Kit 
  5. Go, Galileo! : a musical celebration of the sciences (33591) I 2008 Call#: CUR 509 BUR InfoSheet Music
  6. I sing, you sing : 41 echo songs for young singers (27219) T 1999 Call#: FA 782.42 ALBCompact Disc 
  7. Musicplay grade 1 music program (16184) T 1997 Call#: KT 0358 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  8. Musicplay grade 2 music program (16185) T 1997 Call#: KT 0359 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  9. Musicplay grade 3 music program (16186) T 1997 Call#: KT 0360 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  10. Musicplay grade 4 music program (16187) T 1997 Call#: KT 0361 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  11. Musicplay grade 5 music program (16188) T 1997 Call#: KT 0362 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  12. Musicplay kindergarten music program (25666) T 2003 Call#: KT 0356Kit 
  13. Musicplay middle school music program (32135) T 1997 Call#: KT 0357 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  14. My bear Gruff (25946) P 1992 Call#: FA 782.42 DIACompact Disc 
  15. Qu'il y ait toujours le soleil (25949) P Call#: FA 782.42 DIACompact Disc 
  16. Rounds for children (17862) 1986 Call#: FA 782.42 ROU InfoSheet Music
  17. Sing through the day : eighty songs for children (22264) PI 1999 Call#: FA 782.42 SIN InfoSheet Music
  18. A tapestry of tales : 8 musical stories from around the world (33595) 2004 Call#: CUR 781.62 MIL InfoSheet Music
  19. The teaching peace songbook and teacher's guide (22590) PIJS 1993 Call#: FA 782.42 GRACompact Disc 
  20. 10 carrot diamond (25948) P 1985 Call#: FA 782.42 DIACompact Disc 
  21. We all sing with the same voice (37770) Call#: E MILBook 
  22. A world of music with Charlotte Diamond (30808) PI 2003 Call#: FA 782.42 DIACompact Disc 
  23. Yo, Leonardo! : a musical celebration of the visual arts (33592) I 2007 Call#: CUR 702.81 BUR InfoSheet Music

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