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Search: French language

162 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page). Listing 1 to 100:

  1. 30 french Canadian dialogues (34143) IJ 2008 Call#: CUR 448.34 BATBook 
  2. 50 French oral communication activities : with mini-rubrics (34144) IJ 1999 Call#: CUR 448.34 PETBook 
  3. 70 activites motivantes de communication orale (35868) PI 2010 Call#: 448.2421 KARBook 
  4. 75 dialogues (33424) 2008 Call#: CUR 448.2 COLBook 
  5. Activ' idées : mon corps (31744) IJ 2006 Call#: CUR 372.651 DERBook 
  6. AIM gesture database (35380) PI 2010 Call#: CUR 440 AIMComputer Software 
  7. L'alphabet parlementaire : A-Z (33519) 2007 Call#: CUR 328.71 ALPBook 
  8. Alphabet soup (31515) 2007 Call#: 410 FRABook 
  9. Amorces d'histoires sous forme de dessins humoristiques (34140) PI 2009 Call#: CUR 448.2 GOLBook 
  10. Animal Hand Puppets [French] (37992) IJS Call#: KT 1744 Digital files attached, click title name for details InfoSpecial Kit
  11. Apprivoiser la lecture : un paragraphe à la fois, 3 (40538) P 2010 Call#: 448.2 HEBBook 
  12. Au revoir l'Acadie [6 books] (38699) JS 2018 Call#: LIT F HIS 8-12 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  13. Cadeaux (40039) 2011 Call#: F BOGBook 
  14. Carnaval de Québec (English) (32325) PIJ 1999 Call#: DV 0492DVD 
  15. Carnaval de Québec [French] (40113) PIJS 2022 Call#: KT 1908 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  16. Carnaval de Québec: the adventure [English] (31654) IJ 2005 Call#: DV 0424DVD 
  17. Carnaval d'hiver : book of crafts (31680) 2005 Call#: 372.65 SALBook 
  18. C'est Qui? : card game [French] (40105) IJS Call#: KT 1853 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  19. Chaise chaude (31506) 2003 Call#: CUR 372.6 FRABook 
  20. Chansons de Québec (17736) 1958 Call#: FA 782.42162009714 FOU InfoSheet Music
  21. Chants et cantiques de noël (31520) 2006 Call#: CUR 782.28 CHABook 
  22. Chester (40031) IJ 2007 Call#: F WATBook 
  23. Cognate Frenzy : card game [French] (40104) IJ Call#: KT 1852 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  24. Comment y aller [French] (41536) IJ 2017 Call#: KT 0221Kit 
  25. Les communautés autochtones canadiennes inquiry kit (38366) IJS 2018 Call#: KT 1894 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  26. Compas mathématique 4 (34077) I 2008 Call#: 510.71 SMABook 
  27. Compas mathématique 4 : cahier d'activités (34076) 2010 Call#: 510.71 SMABook 
  28. Compas mathématique 6 (34079) 2010 Call#: 510.71 SMABook 
  29. Compas mathématique 6 : cahier d'activités (34078) 2010 Call#: 510.71 SMABook 
  30. Conjuguons en chansons volume 1 (31537) PIJ 1998 Call#: 782.42 BIGCompact Disc 
  31. Cuillères game: present tense regular -re verbs (39981) IJS 2013 Call#: KT 1824 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  32. Cuillères game: regular -ir verbs (39980) IJS 2013 Call#: KT 1823 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  33. Daniel Le Detective [30 Books] (41234) IJS 2019 Call#: KT 0756 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  34. La danse des araignées (31412) PIJ 1998 Call#: CUR 782.42 ETICompact Disc 
  35. Dansez en français : French dances for classroom and community (33603) 2009 Call#: 793.31 ROS InfoSheet Music
  36. DELF junior [ou] scolaire A1 : 150 activites (35806) T 2012 Call#: PROF 448.2 DELBook 
  37. DELF junior [ou] scolaire A2 : 200 activites (39763) 2011 Call#: 448.2 DELBook 
  38. Demonstration Clock [French] (40107) IJ Call#: KT 1855 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  39. Dixit Odyssey [French] (40173) IS 2021 Call#: KT 1883 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  40. Écris ton histoire (33425) PI 2008 Call#: CUR 448.2 ELLBook 
  41. En français Sarah! [30 Books] (40681) IJS 2015 Call#: KT 1938 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  42. L'enseignement explicite : une pratique efficace (36614) 2012 Call#: 371.102 HOLBook 
  43. L'essentiel grammatical (21018) 1993 Call#: CUR 448.2 STOBook 
  44. Étienne (31414) PIJ 1994 Call#: CUR 782.42 ETICompact Disc 
  45. Festival du voyageur (Eng. guide) (34118) IJ 2009 Call#: DV 0632DVD 
  46. Food Box: 3D Foods in French (40099) IJS Call#: KT 1802 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  47. La Francophonie [French] (40112) IJS Call#: KT 1907 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  48. New: 26-Jun-2024 French for Beginners - Grade 5 (42337) IJ 2024 Call#: KT 0111 Digital files attached, click title name for details InfoSpecial Kit
  49. French for kids : thematic lessons (31510) IJ 2006 Call#: CUR 372.6 MARBook 
  50. French Medicine Wheel story kit (38370) PIJS Call#: KT 1898 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  51. French Sentence Starter Kit & Connecting Words (40110) JS Call#: KT 1858 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  52. French Strong Nations readers kit 1 (38367) PIJ Call#: KT 1895 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  53. French Strong Nations readers kit 2 (38368) PIJ Call#: KT 1896 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  54. G-I Reading Level Booklets [French] (40707) P 2002 Call#: GR F 12-16Kit 
  55. Grammaire : 3 (40539) P 2017 Call#: 448.2 AMABook 
  56. La Guerre : Number Card Game [French] (40106) IJ Call#: KT 1854 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  57. Guide d'évaluation pour élèves en difficulté (33982) P 2009 Call#: CUR 448 BLABook 
  58. New: 04-Feb-2025 Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers (42596) IJ 2018 Call#: FIC ROWBook 
  59. Histoires autochtones (39882) PI Call#: KT 1649 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  60. Le Hockey (36457) PIJS Call#: KT 1586 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  61. J'ai le coeur rempli de bonheur (40208) P 2020 Call#: LIT FAM K-3 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  62. J'ai un beau château (40029) PI 2005 Call#: F MUNBook 
  63. J'ai un texte à colorier 3 (34358) PI 2004 Call#: CUR 448.6 CLEBook 
  64. Je me présente (39435) 2003 Call#: 448 FRABook 
  65. New: 02-Feb-2024 Jean-Paul et ses bonnes idées [30 Books] (42044) IJS 2020 Call#: KT 0370Kit 
  66. Jean Paul et ses bons amis [28 Books] (40322) JS 2017 Call#: KT 0702 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  67. Jeux de ballon Gator formidables (34362) T 2007 Call#: 796.3 DOY
  68. La girafe et l'oiseau (40041) 2018 Call#: F BENBook 
  69. La soupe de garçons (40034) 2013 Call#: F LESBook 
  70. Le Bonhomme Costume [French] (40498) PIJS Call#: KT 1937 Digital files attached, click title name for details InfoSpecial Kit
  71. Le français en images (40540) T 2021 Call#: 448.2 BROBook 
  72. Le garçon qui joue des tours [French] (41537) IJ 2018 Call#: KT 0223Kit 
  73. New: 14-Jan-2025 Le seul et unique Ivan (42564) I 2020 Call#: FIC APPBook 

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