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Search: Vocal music-collections

689 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page). Listing 1 to 100:

  1. A-Rovin' (32569) P 1990 Call#: MU 0148 InfoSheet Music
  2. Ac-cent-tchu-ate the positive (32955) 2000 Call#: MU 0547 InfoSheet Music
  3. Adam lay Ybounden (32871) P 1996 Call#: MU 0462 InfoSheet Music
  4. Adeste Fideles : (O come, all ye faithful) (33077) 2001 Call#: MU 0669 InfoSheet Music
  5. African Gloria (32943) P 1998 Call#: MU 0535 InfoSheet Music
  6. African Noel (33632) 2001 Call#: MU 0706 InfoSheet Music
  7. Agnus Dei (32761) P 1990 Call#: MU 0348 InfoSheet Music
  8. Ah! si mon moine voulait danser : folksong, Quebec (32977) 1992 Call#: MU 0570 InfoSheet Music
  9. Ahrirang : Korean folk song (33008) 1997 Call#: MU 0600 InfoSheet Music
  10. Ain't Gonna grieve (32422) P 1983 Call#: MU 0001 InfoSheet Music
  11. Al Shlosha D'varim (32853) P 1995 Call#: MU 0444 InfoSheet Music
  12. All that hath life and breath praise ye the lord (32691) P 1981 Call#: MU 0274 InfoSheet Music
  13. All the stars shone down (32426) P 1986 Call#: MU 0005 InfoSheet Music
  14. All things bright and beautiful (32424) P 1983 Call#: MU 0003 InfoSheet Music
  15. All we like sheep (32672) I 1981 Call#: MU 0255 InfoSheet Music
  16. Alleleluia! Come sing a song of joy : SA (33033) Call#: MU 0624 InfoSheet Music
  17. Alleluia (32889) I 1998 Call#: MU 0480 InfoSheet Music
  18. Almighty God, grant us Thy peace (32425) P 1963 Call#: MU 0004 InfoSheet Music
  19. And So it goes (34408) 1983 Call#: MU 0731 InfoSheet Music
  20. And So it goes (34413) 2009 Call#: MU 0736 InfoSheet Music
  21. Angel choir and the trumpeter (32822) P 1995 Call#: MU 0412 InfoSheet Music
  22. Angel in eternal flight (34426) 2003 Call#: MU 0749 InfoSheet Music
  23. Angels' carol : SA choir and harp & piano (33036) Call#: MU 0627 InfoSheet Music
  24. The angels' gloria : SA (33056) Call#: MU 0647 InfoSheet Music
  25. Antiphonal Gloria (32926) P 1999 Call#: MU 0517 InfoSheet Music
  26. Are you ready for Christmas? (33104) 1986 Call#: MU 0696 InfoSheet Music
  27. Arioso (32722) P 1988 Call#: MU 0307 InfoSheet Music
  28. The arrow and the song : SA, accompanied (33148) I 2002 Call#: MU 1035 InfoSheet Music
  29. Art Thou troubled? (32828) I 1995 Call#: MU 0418 InfoSheet Music
  30. Ash grove (32431) P 1989 Call#: MU 0010 InfoSheet Music
  31. Ave Maria (32436) P 1989 Call#: MU 0015 InfoSheet Music
  32. Ave Maria (34414) Call#: MU 0737 InfoSheet Music
  33. Away from the roll of the sea (32693) P 1986 Call#: MU 0276 InfoSheet Music
  34. The ballad of Skipper Knight : 2-part treble (34404) 2002 Call#: MU 0727 InfoSheet Music
  35. Basil the cat (32821) P 1995 Call#: MU 0411 InfoSheet Music
  36. Beauty and the beast (33116) I 1991 Call#: MU 1002 InfoSheet Music
  37. The Belfry book of Christmas carols (32961) 1958 Call#: MU 0553 InfoSheet Music
  38. Bethlehem bound (32770) I 1992 Call#: MU 0358 InfoSheet Music
  39. Bethlehem boy (32439) P 1985 Call#: MU 0018 InfoSheet Music
  40. The birds (33002) 1989 Call#: MU 0594 InfoSheet Music
  41. Birds are singing (32659) 2001 Call#: MU 0242 InfoSheet Music
  42. Bist du Bei Mir (32782) I 1993 Call#: MU 0371 InfoSheet Music
  43. Bless the lord, o my soul (32917) I 1990 Call#: MU 0508 InfoSheet Music
  44. Blessing : SAB accompanied (33024) 1984 Call#: MU 0615 InfoSheet Music
  45. Blessing : SSA (32895) P 1984 Call#: MU 0486 InfoSheet Music
  46. Blue Moon (16276)
  47. Blue moon (32813) P Call#: MU 0402 InfoSheet Music
  48. Blue skies : SAB and piano (33136) I 2001 Call#: MU 1023 InfoSheet Music
  49. Blustery day (32884) I 1996 Call#: MU 0475 InfoSheet Music
  50. Bohemian bell carol (33010) 1976 Call#: MU 0602 InfoSheet Music
  51. Bohemian rhapsody (33635) 1992 Call#: MU 0709 InfoSheet Music
  52. Born, born in Bethlehem (32995) 2002 Call#: MU 0587 InfoSheet Music
  53. Born 'neath a star (32437) P 1984 Call#: MU 0016 InfoSheet Music
  54. Bound for the Rio Grande (32765) I 1987 Call#: MU 0352 InfoSheet Music
  55. Brazilian Christmas carol (33028) Call#: MU 0619 InfoSheet Music
  56. Breaking free (33084) 2006 Call#: MU 0676 InfoSheet Music
  57. Bright star shining! : SA with piano (33041) Call#: MU 0632 InfoSheet Music
  58. Bring a torch (32443) P 1984 Call#: MU 0022 InfoSheet Music
  59. Bring him home : from Les Miserables (34112) 1996 Call#: MU 0719 InfoSheet Music
  60. Build me a world (32907) I 1998 Call#: MU 0498 InfoSheet Music
  61. Ca' the Yowes (32788) P 1986 Call#: MU 0377 InfoSheet Music
  62. Calm and lovely (32918) I 1974 Call#: MU 0509 InfoSheet Music
  63. Calypso carol (32935) 1998 Call#: MU 0527 InfoSheet Music
  64. Canada is singing : medley of Canadian Folksongs (32690) P 1965 Call#: MU 0273 InfoSheet Music
  65. Candlelight carol (32872) P 1997 Call#: MU 0463 InfoSheet Music
  66. Candlelight silent night (33640) 2005 Call#: MU 0714 InfoSheet Music
  67. Candles, candles : SA (33029) Call#: MU 0620 InfoSheet Music
  68. Canon of praise (32582) P 1984 Call#: MU 0162 InfoSheet Music
  69. Canon of praise (32644) P 1984 Call#: MU 0226 InfoSheet Music
  70. Canon of the bells (32936) P 1998 Call#: MU 0528 InfoSheet Music
  71. Cantante Domina = o sing ye to the lord (32718) P 1954 Call#: MU 0302 InfoSheet Music
  72. ˇCantar! : (Sing!) (33110) 2000 Call#: MU 0702 InfoSheet Music
  73. Cantate domino (32643) P 1984 Call#: MU 0225 InfoSheet Music
  74. Cape Breton lullaby (32916) P 1988 Call#: MU 0507 InfoSheet Music
  75. Carol for the animals (32851) P 1994 Call#: MU 0442 InfoSheet Music
  76. Carol of the bells (33067) 1997 Call#: MU 0659 InfoSheet Music
  77. Carol of the child (33072) 2005 Call#: MU 0664 InfoSheet Music
  78. Carol of the children (32448) P 1982 Call#: MU 0027 InfoSheet Music
  79. Carol, singers, carol (32938) P 1999 Call#: MU 0530 InfoSheet Music
  80. Carolare (32865) P 1997 Call#: MU 0456 InfoSheet Music
  81. Carols around and a round (32762) P 1984 Call#: MU 0349 InfoSheet Music
  82. Carry the light (32756) I 1981 Call#: MU 0341 InfoSheet Music
  83. Celebrate this day together (32869) P 1997 Call#: MU 0460 InfoSheet Music
  84. Chase your blues away (32642) P 1985 Call#: MU 0224 InfoSheet Music
  85. Cherubim song (32980) 1981 Call#: MU 0574 InfoSheet Music
  86. The child (33641) 1995 Call#: MU 0715 InfoSheet Music
  87. Children,go where I send thee (32967) 1998 Call#: MU 0559 InfoSheet Music
  88. Ching-a-ring chaw : minstrel song (32669) I 1954 Call#: MU 0252 InfoSheet Music
  89. Chiri biri bim : SA with piano (33057) Call#: MU 0648 InfoSheet Music
  90. Chocolate! (32696) P 1989 Call#: MU 0280 InfoSheet Music
  91. Christmas bells (32827) P 1995 Call#: MU 0417 InfoSheet Music
  92. Christmas fir : a story song for Christmas (32931) P 1999 Call#: MU 0522 InfoSheet Music
  93. Christmas is for kids (32668) I 1976 Call#: MU 0251 InfoSheet Music
  94. Christmas is here! (32888) P 1997 Call#: MU 0479 InfoSheet Music
  95. Christmas time is here (33091) 2007 Call#: MU 0683 InfoSheet Music

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