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Search: Time travel--Fiction

27 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. Apartment 713 : a novel (41345) IJ 2022 Call#: FIC SYLBook 
  2. Beyond the door (38057) 2010 Call#: E HUN
  3. The devil's arithmetic (39408) PIJ 1990 Call#: FIC YOL
  4. New: 19-Nov-2024 Future of the Time Dragon (42521) P 2020 Call#: FIC WESBook 
  5. New: 05-Nov-2024 Hannah & the spindle whorl (42483) IJ 2010 Call#: FIC SHABook 
  6. Hannah & the spindle whorl [6 books] (37664) I 2010 Call#: LIT FAM 4/5 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  7. The jewel in the hub (38055) 2010 Call#: E HUN
  8. Kindred (39821) JS Call#: FIC BUTBook 
  9. Knight's castle (23998) IJ 1984
  10. New: 29-Nov-2023 The last Saxon king (41865) JS 2023 Call#: FIC VARBook 
  11. New: 13-Feb-2024 The lost tide warriors (42061) PI 2021 Call#: FIC DOYBook 
  12. The magic school bus in the time of the dinosaurs (36791) PI 1997 Call#: CUR CD E COLCompact Disc 
  13. Operation do-over (41322) IJ 2022 Call#: FIC KORBook 
  14. The power of the cell (38056) 2010 Call#: E HUN
  15. Sam Samurai (24000) PI 2001
  16. See you later, gladiator [6 books] (34898) PI 2004 Call#: LIT FAN 3/4Kit 
  17. The time bike (23846) 2002
  18. The time garden (23996) 1999
  19. Tut, tut [6 copies] (34897) PI 2004 Call#: LIT FAN 3/4Kit 
  20. White jade tiger [6 books] (37508) I 1993 Call#: LIT CAN 4/5 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 

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