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Search: Secwepemc (First Nations people)--Fiction

15 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. Coyote and the salmon (40248) T 2021 Call#: E THOBook 
  2. Dipnetting with dad (39060) 2014 Call#: E SEL
  3. Fox's coming of age (41419) PI 2023 Call#: E NIEBook 
  4. Fox's Journey of Well-Becoming (40694) PIT 2022 Call#: E NIEBook 
  5. Hockey with Dad (40738) P 2021 Call#: E SELBook 
  6. How coyote lost the animal people's voices (39804) PIT 2021 Call#: E THOBook 
  7. Kenkéknem and Sek'lép = Bear and Coyote (39475) 2020 Call#: E BOWBook 
  8. Kú7pece = Porcupine (39477) 2020 Call#: E BOWBook 
  9. Kúkwpi7 K'wsucw = Chief Goose (39476) 2020 Call#: E BOWBook 
  10. Where the rivers meet (16946) 1988 Call#: FN 813.54 SAWBook 
  11. Where the rivers meet : teacher's guide (33468) 2010 Call#: FN 813.54 SAWBook 

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