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Search: Children's plays

8 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. Bring on the snow! : songs and sketches for a snowlarious winter (40654) T 2014 Call#: MU 782.14 BEC InfoSheet Music
  2. Child of the world : A musical that builds character! (27133) T 2003 Call#: MU 782.14 JACKit 
  3. Child of the world : a musical that builds character! (40656) T 2003 Call#: MU 782.14 JAC
  4. Classroom plays for social studies : ancient civilizations (26778) PIT 2003 Call#: CUR 372.83 MCCBook 
  5. Pushing up the sky : seven native American plays for children (22327) PI 2000 Call#: FN 812.54 BRUBook 
  6. Readers theatre : scripted rhymes and rhythms (20268) 1995 Call#: 792.0226 BRABook 

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