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Search: African Americans--Fiction

71 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. All American boys (39190) JS Call#: FIC REYBook 
  2. All American Boys [6 books] (39238) S 2015 Call#: LIT REA 11-12 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  3. All Because You Matter (40723) P 2020 Call#: E CHABook 
  4. Amazing Grace (39384) PI 1991 Call#: E HOFBook 
  5. Becoming Muhammad Ali : a novel (39931) PI Call#: FIC PATBook 
  6. Becoming Muhammad Ali : a novel [30 Books] (40946) IJ 2020 Call#: KT 0076Kit 
  7. Black brother, black brother (40592) PI 2021 Call#: FIC RHOBook 
  8. Black Brother, Black Brother [6 Books] (40572) IJS 2020 Call#: LIT ANT 4-9Kit 
  9. Black cowboy, wild horses : a true story (40518) PIJ 2021 Call#: E LESBook 
  10. The black kids (39740) Call#: FIC HAMBook 
  11. Charlotte and the quiet place (39733) P 2015 Call#: E SOSBook 
  12. Clean getaway (41175) PI 2021 Call#: FIC STOBook 
  13. Coming on home soon (39601) PI 2004 Call#: E WOOBook 
  14. Concrete Rose (40943) JS 2021 Call#: FIC THOBook 
  15. Concrete Rose [6 Books] (40937) S 2021 Call#: LIT REA 11-12Kit 
  16. The crossover [6 copies] (39240) IJ 2014 Call#: LIT REA 5-8 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  17. Crown : an ode to the fresh cut (39705) P 2017 Call#: E BARBook 
  18. David's drawings (40430) PJ 2001 Call#: E FALBook 
  19. Dear Martin (41157) JS 2017 Call#: FIC STOBook 
  20. Dear Martin [6 Books] (41376) JS 2017 Call#: LIT REA 10-11Kit 
  21. Dragons in a bag (39293) PI Call#: FIC ELLBook 
  22. From the desk of Zoe Washington (41166) IJ 2020 Call#: FIC MARBook 
  23. Genesis Begins Again [6 Books] (40634) IJ 2019 Call#: LIT REA 6-8Kit 
  24. Ghost boys (39194) IJ Call#: FIC RHOBook 
  25. Ghost boys [6 books] (39237) IJ 2018 Call#: LIT REA 4-9 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  26. A good kind of trouble (38943) PIJ Call#: FIC RAMBook 
  27. Hair love (40607) P 2020 Call#: E CHEBook 
  28. Harbor me (39741) PIJ Call#: FIC WOOBook 
  29. Harbor me [6 books] (39792) I 2020 Call#: LIT REA 5-7 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  30. The hate u give (38155) JS Call#: FIC THOBook 
  31. The Hate U Give [6 Books] (40573) IS 2017 Call#: LIT ANT 10-12Kit 
  32. How it went down (41155) JS 2014 Call#: FIC MAGBook 
  33. Hurricane child (40352) PI 2018 Call#: FIC CALBook 
  34. I got the School Spirit (40562) PI 2020 Call#: E SCHBook 
  35. If I just had two wings (37923) PIJ 2001 Call#: FIC SCHBook 
  36. Last Stop On Market Street (40712) PJ 2015 Call#: E DEL Digital files attached, click title name for details Book 
  37. Legendborn (39719) JS Call#: FIC DEOBook 
  38. New: 18-Oct-2023 Lu [6 Books] (41743) IJ 2018 Call#: LIT REA 5-8Kit 
  39. Magnificent homespun brown : a celebration (39945) PI 2020 Call#: E DOYBook 
  40. New: 13-Jul-2023 Mia Mayhem is a superhero! (41642) PJ 2018 Call#: FIC WES
  41. New: 09-Jan-2024 Mia Mayhem is a superhero! [30 Books] (41944) PI 2018 Call#: KT 0343Kit 
  42. Mia Mayhem is a superhero! [6 books] (39212) PI 2018 Call#: LIT HUM 2-4Kit 
  43. New: 29-Nov-2023 My fade is fresh (41869) P 2022 Call#: E GRABook 
  44. My friend Mei Jing (35659) PI 2009 Call#: CUR 372.6 TREBook 
  45. My rainbow (40366) P 2020 Call#: E NEABook 
  46. The nickel boys : a novel (40298) T 2019 Call#: FIC WHIBook 
  47. One crazy summer [6 books] (37836) IJ 2010 Call#: LIT SUR 4-7 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  48. New: 13-Jul-2023 The only black girls in town (41646) PI 2020 Call#: FIC COLBook 
  49. The paperboy (39562) PJ 1996 Call#: E PILBook 
  50. The patchwork path : a quilt map to freedom (38978) PI 2007 Call#: E STRBook 
  51. New: 18-Oct-2023 Patina [6 Books] (41742) IJ 2017 Call#: LIT REA 5-8Kit 
  52. Piecing me together (39148) JS Call#: FIC WATBook 
  53. Rebound [6 Books] (40457) IJ 2018 Call#: LIT REA 6-9Kit 
  54. Sadiq and the pet problem (40231) PJ Call#: FIC NUU
  55. The skin I'm in [6 books] (23841) I 1998 Call#: LIT REA 5/6Kit 
  56. Small steps (38924) PIJ 2006 Call#: FIC SACBook 
  57. Stella by starlight (41145) PIJ 2015 Call#: FIC DRABook 
  58. Street pharm (40087) JS Call#: FIC VANBook 
  59. Summer sun risin' (40190) PI 2002 Call#: E NIKBook 
  60. Underground to Canada [6 books] (37818) IJ 1977 Call#: LIT SUR 4-8 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  61. Unspoken : a story from the Underground Railroad (39626) P 2012 Call#: E COLBook 
  62. What lane? (39946) IJ Call#: FIC MALBook 
  63. Whistle for Willie (37351) PJ 1977 Call#: E KEABook 
  64. Yo! Yes? (39768) P 1998 Call#: E RASBook 
  65. New: 13-Jul-2023 Zora and me. The cursed ground (41650) IJ 2020 Call#: FIC SIMBook 

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