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Search: Cree (First Nations people)--Fiction

12 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. Achimoona (17077) IJ 1985 Call#: 813.0107 ACHBook 
  2. Awasis and the world-famous bannock (39530) PI 2018 Call#: E HUNBook 
  3. Caribou song = : Ateek oonagamoon = Atihko nikamon (40447) PIJS 2013 Call#: E HIGBook 
  4. New: 28-Aug-2023 Five little indians [30 Copies] (41653) S 2020 Call#: KT 0621Kit 
  5. The ghost collector (39305) IJ Call#: FIC MILBook 
  6. New: 08-Dec-2023 Hidden buffalo (41903) PI 2006 Call#: E WIEBook 
  7. Kiss of the fur queen (31931) T 1998 Call#: CUR FIC HIGBook 
  8. New: 23-Oct-2024 Let's go! = haw êkwa! (42452) P 2024 Call#: E FLEBook 
  9. On the Trapline (40728) 2021 Call#: E ROBBook 
  10. Stolen words (37791) P 2017 Call#: E FLOBook 
  11. New: 23-Oct-2024 This land is a lullaby (42450) P 2024 Call#: E SIMBook 
  12. New: 10-Jan-2024 The way creator sees you (41957) IJ 2022 Call#: E RAIBook 

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