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Search: First Nations

385 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page). Listing 1 to 100:

  1. 1234 First Nation's explore (35818) 2007 Call#: 970.41 GOOKit 
  2. The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book [6 books] (36582) S 2014 Call#: LIT GRN 11-12Kit 
  3. Aboriginal Addition and Subtraction : Grade 1 (41589) P 2023 Call#: KT 0262Kit 
  4. Aboriginal Addition and Subtraction : Grade 2 (41595) P 2023 Call#: KT 0268Kit 
  5. Aboriginal Addition and Subtraction : Grade 3 (41590) P 2023 Call#: KT 0263Kit 
  6. Aboriginal art posters kit (33319) PIJS Call#: KT 1742Kit 
  7. Aboriginal astronomy kit (31399) PIJ 2007 Call#: KT 0911 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  8. Aboriginal games : Doubleball - Elementary (38914) I Call#: KT 1848 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  9. Aboriginal games : Doubleball - Secondary (38915) JS Call#: KT 1849 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  10. Aboriginal games kit (38694) IJS 2019 Call#: KT 1899 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  11. Aboriginal Measurement : Grade 3 (41594) P 2023 Call#: KT 0267Kit 
  12. Aboriginal Multiplication and Division : Grade 3 (41588) P 2023 Call#: KT 0261Kit 
  13. Aboriginal Number Concepts : Grade 1 (41586) P 2023 Call#: KT 0259Kit 
  14. Aboriginal Number Concepts : Grade 2 (41593) P 2023 Call#: KT 0266Kit 
  15. Aboriginal Number Sense : Grade 1 (41581) P 2023 Call#: KT 0256Kit 
  16. Aboriginal Number Sense : Kindergarten (41583) P 2023 Call#: KT 0258Kit 
  17. Aboriginal Objects and Shapes : Grade 1 (41587) P 2023 Call#: KT 0260Kit 
  18. Aboriginal Objects and Shapes : Grade 2 (41596) P 2023 Call#: KT 0269Kit 
  19. Aboriginal PALS resources (28358) PT 2005 Call#: FN 428.1 ABOBook 
  20. Aboriginal Patterning : Grade 2 (41592) P 2023 Call#: KT 0265Kit 
  21. Aboriginal Patterning : Kindergarten (41582) P 2023 Call#: KT 0257Kit 
  22. Aboriginal peoples : building for the future (21902) S 1999 Call#: 970.1 REEBook 
  23. Aboriginal peoples : building for the future. (26039) S 1999 Call#: 970.1 REEBook 
  24. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian [6 books] (34812) JS 2007 Call#: LIT SUR 12 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  25. The Apache Indians (21707) I 1998 Call#: FN 973.04972 LUNBook 
  26. Appreciation of First Nations food traditions (31024) IJS Call#: KT 0909 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  27. Arctic wolf [8 books] (38632) PI 2018 Call#: INQ 2-6Kit 
  28. The arrow over the door [6 books] (37414) I 1998 Call#: LIT HIS 6/7Kit 
  29. As long as the rivers flow [6 books] (33829) I 2002 Call#: LIT REA 4/5 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  30. Awasis and the world-famous bannock (39530) PI 2018 Call#: E HUNBook 
  31. Baby blues [4 books] (34745) I 2012 Call#: LIT GRN 4/5Kit 
  32. Bald eagle [4 books] (34733) I 2012 Call#: LIT GRN 4/5Kit 
  33. Beading looms kit (15293) PIJS 1998 Call#: KT 0332 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  34. Belle of Batoche [6 books] (37181) I 2004 Call#: LIT REA 4Kit 
  35. Better that way (33323) PI 2007 Call#: E BOUBook 
  36. Birch bark baskets (36674) PIJS Call#: DV 1332DVD 
  37. Birchbark (15138) PI Call#: KT 0054 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  38. The birchbark house [6 books] (37346) I 1999 Call#: LIT REA 5-7Kit 
  39. The black ship (20961) 1994 Call#: FN FIC WILBook 
  40. Bowhead whale [8 books] (38635) PI 2017 Call#: INQ 2-6Kit 
  41. Breath Tracks (34098) 1991 Call#: CUR 811.54 ARMBook 
  42. Buffalo woman (33914) 1996 Call#: CUR 398.24529735 GOBBook 
  43. Bukwas [4 books] (34744) I 2012 Call#: LIT GRN 4/5Kit 
  44. Caribou (40293) PI 2019 Call#: INQ 2-6Kit 
  45. Catching spring [6 books] (33811) I 2004 Call#: LIT SUR 6/7 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  46. The Cedar Club forest detectives [8 books] (39157) PI 2018 Call#: INQ 3-7Kit 
  47. The Central School seashore detectives [8 books] (39133) PI 2018 Call#: INQ 3-7Kit 
  48. Le Cercle de Partage (38378) PIJS 2016 Call#: F LARBook 
  49. Change and butterflies [4 books] (34736) I 2012 Call#: LIT GRN 4/5Kit 
  50. Child of tears [4 books] (34728) I 2012 Call#: LIT GRN 4/5Kit 
  51. Children of the great Muskeg (33921) 1985 Call#: CUR 821 CHIBook 
  52. Children of the longhouse [6 books] (31840) I 1996 Call#: LIT REA 6/7Kit 
  53. Cibou: a novel [5 books] (34562) JS 2008 Call#: LIT CAN 10-12 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  54. Circle of Learning (38783) Call#: E VAN Digital files attached, click title name for details Book 
  55. Coast Salish, coastal rainforests and cougars (37894) PIJ 2017 Call#: 577.34 ALEBook 
  56. Coast Salish, coastal rainforests and cougars [8 books] (38068) IJS 2017 Call#: INQ 4-12Kit 
  57. Community character : rules and responsibilities (35299) P 2012 Call#: DV 0876 Digital files attached, click title name for details DVD 
  58. Coordinators kit for indigenizing the space (39338) PIJS Call#: KT 1850 Digital files attached, click title name for details InfoSpecial Kit
  59. Cowichan textiles kit (35291) Call#: KT 0177 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  60. Coyote as the sun and other stories (33893) 1993 Call#: CUR 398.2 COYBook 
  61. Crying for a vision [6 books] (33195) IJ 2007 Call#: LIT REA 6/7Kit 
  62. A day in the life [4 books] (34739) I 2012 Call#: LIT GRN 4/5Kit 
  63. A Different Game [6 books] (33809) I 2010 Call#: LIT REA 6/7 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  64. Dog days [4 books] (34719) I 2012 Call#: LIT GRN 4/5Kit 
  65. Dream, dream, dream [4 books] (34720) I 2012 Call#: LIT GRN 4/5Kit 

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