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Search: Teenagers--Fiction

28 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. Between heaven and earth [6 books] (36576) I 2012 Call#: LIT REA 6/7 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  2. Birthday (39458) JS Call#: FIC RUSBook 
  3. The Black Flamingo (39454) JS Call#: FIC ATTBook 
  4. Blood sport (39673) PIJS Call#: FIC MCABook 
  5. New: 30-Aug-2023 The cure for death by lightning (41663) T 1996 Call#: FIC ANDBook 
  6. Disconnect (35596) PIJ 2012 Call#: FIC PETBook 
  7. Dreamcatcher [2 books] (31803) IJ 1995 Call#: LIT REA 4-6Kit 
  8. Dying to go viral (35831) JS Call#: FIC MCNBook 
  9. Fire Song (38178) IJ 2018 Call#: FIC JONBook 
  10. Holding up the universe (38779) JS Call#: FIC NIVBook 
  11. Life of Pi : a novel (39213) 2002 Call#: FIC MARBook 
  12. Lives of magic (35953) Call#: FIC LEIBook 
  13. Lost boy (38533) JS Call#: FIC HRDBook 
  14. My deal with the universe (38841) Call#: FIC KERBook 
  15. The night wanderer: a native gothic novel [6 books] (37668) JS 2007 Call#: LIT SUS 10-12 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  16. None of the above (39471) JS Call#: FIC GREBook 
  17. The rule of thirds (36062) JS Call#: FIC GUEBook 
  18. The sun is also a star (38839) Call#: FIC YOOBook 
  19. The thing you're good at (38534) JS Call#: FIC CHOBook 
  20. The throne (35830) 2013 Call#: FIC GOOBook 
  21. Until today (35951) JS Call#: FIC FLUBook 
  22. What she left behind (37997) T Call#: FIC WISBook 
  23. Zac & Mia (36611) Call#: FIC BETBook 

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