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Search: Social skills

54 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. A bad case of tattle tongue (34643) P 2006 Call#: E COOBook 
  2. Can you be a helper? (38460) P 2007 Call#: 177 EVEBook 
  3. Can you be polite? (38464) P 2005 Call#: 177 EVEBook 
  4. Can you share? (38466) P 2005 Call#: 177 EVEBook 
  5. Can you take turns? (38463) P 2005 Call#: 177 EVEBook 
  6. Can you talk to your friends? (38461) P 2007 Call#: 177 EVEBook 
  7. Can you use a good voice? (38462) P 2005 Call#: 177 EVEBook 
  8. Conversation start-ups (33858) T 2002 Call#: KT 0116Kit 
  9. Do unto otters : a book about manners (32317) P 2008 Call#: DV 0483DVD 
  10. Getting started with social thinking (34433) PI Call#: KT 1803 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  11. I can do it (34961) IST 2005 Call#: DV 1559DVD 
  12. Model me : conversation cues (35245) T 2007 Call#: DV 1555DVD 
  13. Model me faces and emotions (34964) PJT 2009 Call#: DV 1556DVD 
  14. Model me : friendship (35247) PIJT 2007 Call#: DV 1557DVD 
  15. Model me going places (34963) PJT 2010 Call#: DV 1560DVD 
  16. Model me interactive : practicing conversation (34965) T 2012 Call#: DV 1554DVD 
  17. Model me : organization and motivation (35246) 2010 Call#: DV 1558DVD 
  18. Model me : tips and tricks (35250) PIJT 2008 Call#: DV 1561DVD 
  19. Play is the way [kit] (36466) PI 2011 Call#: CUR 371.393 PLAKit 
  20. Room 28 : a social language program (32079) T 2004 Call#: 646.76 WILBook 
  21. Snoots Toots! (40291) PIJ Call#: KT 0118Kit 
  22. Time for a playdate (34960) IST 2005 Call#: DV 1563DVD 
  23. Time for school (34962) IST 2005 Call#: DV 1562DVD 
  24. Understanding feelings 4-7 (38823) I Call#: EASE UND 4-7 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  25. Understanding feelings K-3 (38301) P Call#: EASE UND K-3 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  26. Understanding feelings K-3, Version 2 (38736) P Call#: EASE UND K-3 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  27. The Way I Feel (34646) P 2000 Call#: E CAIBook 

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