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Search: French collections

74 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. AIM: Le garçon qui joue des tours 1C (35381) IJ Call#: KT 1790 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  2. AIM: Les trois petits cochons 1A (35385) IJ Call#: KT 1791 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  3. AIM: Les trois petits cochons marionnettes (35844) IJ Call#: KT 1795 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  4. Les animaux (33502) IJ 2004 Call#: KT 1754Kit 
  5. Une armée d'éléphants [8 books] (33411) IJ 2007 Call#: LIT F HIS 5/6 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  6. Balades d'hiver (34042) IJ 2006 Call#: KT 1778Kit 
  7. Le beau jeu (34049) IJ 2007 Call#: KT 1781Kit 
  8. Blanche-Neige (GN) (34909) IJ 2011 Call#: LIT F GRN 4-10 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  9. Bonjour, Quebec (34040) IJ 1992 Call#: KT 1776 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  10. Café Lorraine (33505) IJ 2004 Call#: KT 1757 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  11. Carnaval de Québec (English) (32325) PIJ 1999 Call#: DV 0492DVD 
  12. Carnaval de Québec: the adventure [English] (31654) IJ 2005 Call#: DV 0424DVD 
  13. Cendrillon (GN) (35444) IJ 2011 Call#: LIT F GRN 6-12 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  14. Chef des rebelles [8 books] (GN) (33409) IJ 2008 Call#: LIT F CAN 7/8 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  15. Chic, alors (GN) (34039) IJ 1994 Call#: KT 1775 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  16. Comment y aller [French] (41536) IJ 2017 Call#: KT 0221Kit 
  17. Conjuguons en chansons volume 1 (31537) PIJ 1998 Call#: 782.42 BIGCompact Disc 
  18. Égypte (24700) I 1992 Call#: CUR 932 ORSBook 
  19. Festival du voyageur (Eng. guide) (34118) IJ 2009 Call#: DV 0632DVD 
  20. Fêtes d'hiver (34044) IJ 2004 Call#: KT 1780 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  21. Fin voleur [16 copies] (34902) IJ 2011 Call#: LIT F GRN 4-10 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  22. The French in Canada (29294) PI 2005 Call#: CUR 370.117 HUDBook 
  23. French Verbathon (31835) IJ 2004 Call#: KT 1672Kit 
  24. Groupes musicaux les plus innovateurs [10 books] (35419) JS 2011 Call#: LIT F REA 8-12 REALISM Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  25. Hannibal [8 books] (33315) IJ 2008 Call#: LIT F HIS 7/8 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  26. Hansel et Gretel (34903) IJ 2011 Call#: LIT F GRN 4-10 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  27. Hiawatha (34905) IJ 2011 Call#: LIT F GRN 4-10 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  28. Jack et le haricot magique (34910) IJ 2011 Call#: LIT F GRN 4-10 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  29. Je m'habille (34043) IJ 2006 Call#: KT 1779 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  30. Jouer de la musique (38945) PI Call#: KT 1784 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  31. Le garçon qui joue des tours [French] (41537) IJ 2018 Call#: KT 0223Kit 
  32. Matt : greatest hits (25919) PI 2001 Call#: KT 0073Kit 
  33. Le message secret [8 books] (33316) IJ 2007 Call#: LIT F HIS 7/8 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  34. Mon école (33501) IJ 2004 Call#: KT 1753 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  35. Money Kit: Euros & Canadian [French] (40100) IJ Call#: KT 1806 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  36. Des mots dans la pierre [8 books] (33408) IJ 2008 Call#: LIT F HIS 5/6 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  37. Musique s'il vous plaît. 2 (22155) PI 1993 Call#: FA 781.17 MUSBook 
  38. Le nain Tracassin (34911) IJ 2011 Call#: LIT F GRN 4-10 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  39. Nouveaux exercices pour la classe de français (33521) PI 2005 Call#: CUR 445.7 NOUBook 
  40. Le petit chaperon rouge (34906) IJ 2009 Call#: LIT F GRN 4-10 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  41. Plus grandes vedettes pop [10 books] (35420) JS 2011 Call#: LIT F REA 8-12 REALISM Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  42. Quel buffet (34038) IJ 1997 Call#: KT 1768 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  43. Quelle collation! (33504) IJ 2004 Call#: KT 1756 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  44. Quelle famille! (33503) IJ 2004 Call#: KT 1755 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  45. The restless nomad (22225) T 1991 Call#: FN 971.92 FREBook 
  46. Des rêves brisés [8 books] (33317) IJ 2008 Call#: LIT F HIS 5/6 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  47. Rockumentaire (31534) PIJ 2007 Call#: DV 0328DVD 
  48. Salmonid s Dans la Salle de Classe : Primaire (24724) P Call#: CUR 597.56 SALBook 
  49. Salut, Montreal (34041) IJ 1996 Call#: KT 1777 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  50. Le scarabée d'or [8 books] (33405) IJ 2007 Call#: LIT F HIS 5/6 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  51. Sorties entre amis (34307) IJ 2006 Call#: KT 1789 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  52. Super sports (33506) IJ 2004 Call#: KT 1758 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  53. Talking dice (34050) PIJ 2005 Call#: KT 1782 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  54. Tendances mode les plus marquantes [10 books] (35421) JS 2011 Call#: LIT F REA 8-12 REALISM Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  55. A Three cycle approach to elementary French (21135) 1991 Call#: LC 372.65 THRBook 
  56. Les trois petits cochons (34908) IJ 2011 Call#: LIT F GRN 4-10 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  57. VECTOR : vidéo de carrières, transitions, occasions et réalitiés (26931) J 2003 Call#: CUR 331.702 PLA 10 VECComputer Software 
  58. Les vêtements de l'empereur (34904) IJ 2010 Call#: LIT F GRN 4-10 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  59. Le vilain petit canard (34907) IJ 2010 Call#: LIT F GRN 4-10 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  60. Vive la fête (34037) IJ 1992 Call#: KT 1767 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  61. Voices from the Louvre (english/french) (32326) IJ 2006 Call#: DV 0493DVD 
  62. You be the judge! (33584) IJ 2001 Call#: CUR 448.2441 JONBook 

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