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Search: Father-daughter relationship--Fiction

27 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. Alice Fleck's Recipes for Disaster (40983) IJS 2021 Call#: FIC DELBook 
  2. Because of Winn-Dixie (39278) PIJ Call#: FIC DICBook 
  3. Clap when you land (41162) JS 2020 Call#: FIC ACEBook 
  4. Everyone can learn to ride a bicycle (39655) PI 2013 Call#: E RASBook 
  5. From the desk of Zoe Washington (41166) IJ 2020 Call#: FIC MARBook 
  6. The giant slayer [6 books] (36330) I 2012 Call#: LIT FAN 5/6Kit 
  7. Girl of the southern sea (39313) PIJ Call#: FIC KADBook 
  8. New: 20-Jun-2024 The girl who was brave enough (42335) PI 2019 Call#: E PARBook 
  9. Hair love (40607) P 2020 Call#: E CHEBook 
  10. Hair Twins (40794) P 2021 Call#: E MIRBook 
  11. Hurricane child (40352) PI 2018 Call#: FIC CALBook 
  12. The listening walk (35864) PI 1961 Call#: E SHOBook 
  13. New: 31-Oct-2023 Maribel's year (41766) P 2023 Call#: E STEBook 
  14. New: 31-Oct-2023 Mira and Baku (41767) P 2023 Call#: E TRUBook 
  15. My papi has a motorcycle (39449) PJ 2019 Call#: E QUIBook 
  16. New Year (40596) PIJ 2021 Call#: E MEIBook 
  17. Owl moon (35866) P 1987 Call#: E YOLBook 
  18. Prairie lotus (39617) IJ Call#: FIC PARBook 
  19. Prairie Lotus [6 Books] (40972) IJ 2020 Call#: LIT HIS 4-7Kit 
  20. Salma makes a home (41514) PJ 2023 Call#: FIC RAM
  21. Stella brings the family (39360) P 2015 Call#: E SCHBook 
  22. The summer my father was ten (38746) PIJ 1998 Call#: E BRIBook 
  23. To kill a mockingbird (11332) JS 2006 Call#: CD FIC LEECompact Disc 
  24. New: 31-Oct-2023 The words we share (41770) P 2023 Call#: E WONBook 

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