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Search: Lost and found possessions--Fiction

27 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. Amy and the missing puppy (37864) 2013 Call#: FIC BARBook 
  2. New: 15-Sep-2023 Aven Green, sleuthing machine [26 Books] (41674) P 2021 Call#: KT 0308Kit 
  3. New: 30-Nov-2023 The big sting (41872) PIJ 2023 Call#: FIC DELBook 
  4. New: 05-Nov-2024 A dog wearing shoes (42484) P 2015 Call#: E KO Digital files attached, click title name for details Book 
  5. Every Little Kindness (40674) P 2021 Call#: E BARBook 
  6. New: 22-Dec-2023 Garden of lost socks (41943) P 2023 Call#: E EDUBook 
  7. I want my hat back (36042) PI 2011 Call#: E KLABook 
  8. New: 04-Nov-2024 The King of the world! (42474) P 2024 Call#: FIC CLABook 
  9. Knuffle bunny free: an unexpected diversion (35439) P 2010 Call#: CD E WILCompact Disc 
  10. Lost and found : 3 (39339) IJ 2011 Call#: FIC TANBook 
  11. Molly of Denali. Little Dog Lost (41032) PI 2019 Call#: E MOL
  12. Nate the great on the owl express [6 books] (27222) P 2003 Call#: LIT MYS 3/4Kit 
  13. Raymond the Buffalo (40844) P 2021 Call#: E BEABook 
  14. Small in the city (39533) PJ 2019 Call#: E SMIBook 
  15. Stuck (36089) PI 2012 Call#: E JEFBook 
  16. The teddy bear (39104) I 2002 Call#: E MCPBook 
  17. Where Are My Books? (40777) P 2015 Call#: E OHIBook 

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