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Search: First Nations--Residential schools--Fiction

16 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. 250 hours (36738) S 2015 Call#: FIC NEL
  2. Five little indians (40408) S 2020 Call#: FIC GOOBook 
  3. New: 28-Aug-2023 Five little indians [30 Copies] (41653) S 2020 Call#: KT 0621Kit 
  4. Five Little Indians [6 books] (40103) S 2020 Call#: LIT SUR 11-12Kit 
  5. I am not a number (37319) 2016 Call#: E DUPBook 
  6. Kookum's red shoes [6 books] (37808) PI 2011 Call#: LIT SUR 3-5Kit 
  7. Red Wolf (39260) Call#: FIC DANBook 
  8. Red Wolf [6 books] (39712) I 2014 Call#: LIT SUR 5-6 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  9. Shi-shi-etko (39051) PJ 2005 Call#: E CAMBook 
  10. Shin-chi's canoe (39053) PI 2008 Call#: E CAMBook 
  11. Tilly : a story of hope and resilience [6 Books] (40601) S 2013 Call#: LIT SUR 9-12Kit 
  12. The train (41125) P 2020 Call#: E CALBook 
  13. Wenjack (39219) Call#: FIC BOYBook 
  14. When we were alone (37390) 2016 Call#: E ROBBook 

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