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Search: People with disabilities--Fiction

41 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. All he knew (39731) IJ Call#: FIC FROBook 
  2. All He Knew [6 books] (40026) IJ 2020 Call#: LIT REA 5-8Kit 
  3. Arnie and the new kid (39641) P 1992 Call#: E CARBook 
  4. Be good to Eddie Lee (39694) PI 1993 Call#: E FLEBook 
  5. Beep beep Bubbie (40619) 2020 Call#: E KLEBook 
  6. Betti on the high wire [6 books] (36341) I 2009 Call#: LIT FAM 6/7Kit 
  7. Felix Yz (40472) PIJ 2017 Call#: FIC BUNBook 
  8. Felix Yz [6 books] (38608) I 2017 Call#: LIT GEN 5-6 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  9. Freak the Mighty (39354) PIJ 1993 Call#: FIC PHIBook 
  10. Freak the mighty [30 books] (27875) IJ 1993 Call#: KT 0818Kit 
  11. Freak the Mighty [6 books] (37983) IJ 1993 Call#: LIT FRI 6-9Kit 
  12. From Anna [6 books] (37909) I 1972 Call#: LIT HIS 4-6 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  13. The giant slayer [6 books] (36330) I 2012 Call#: LIT FAN 5/6Kit 
  14. Hello Universe (40666) PI 2020 Call#: FIC KELBook 
  15. Hello, Universe [30 Books] (41259) IJ 2017 Call#: KT 0253Kit 
  16. Hello, Universe [6 Books] (40677) IJ 2017 Call#: LIT FRI 5-8Kit 
  17. Insignificant events in the life of a cactus (39192) IJ Call#: FIC BOWBook 
  18. Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus [6 books] (39464) I 2019 Call#: LIT INC 4-7 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  19. Mama zooms (19908) P 1993 Call#: E COWBook 
  20. The miscalculations of Lightning Girl (40038) PI Call#: FIC MCABook 
  21. The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl [6 Books] (40168) JI 2018 Call#: LIT ADV 5-7Kit 
  22. My Three Best Friends and Me, Zulay (40725) P 2015 Call#: E BESBook 
  23. Of mice and men (37187) JS 1994 Call#: CD FIC STECompact Disc 
  24. Out of my mind : [a novel] (39272) IJ 2012 Call#: FIC DRABook 
  25. The push : a story of friendship (38872) P Call#: E GRABook 
  26. Rescue & Jessica : a life-changing friendship (39393) P 2018 Call#: E KENBook 
  27. Roll with it (39381) IJ Call#: FIC SUMBook 
  28. Rules (38483) PIJ 2008 Call#: FIC LORBook 
  29. The running dream (39380) JS 2012 Call#: FIC VANBook 
  30. Show me a sign (41163) PI 2020 Call#: FIC LEZBook 
  31. Small steps (38924) PIJ 2006 Call#: FIC SACBook 
  32. Song for a whale (39367) PI Call#: FIC KELBook 
  33. Susan laughs (39735) P 1999 Call#: E WILBook 
  34. The view from Saturday [6 books] (26783) I 1996 Call#: LIT FRI 6-7Kit 
  35. The war that saved my life (39340) PIJ Call#: FIC BRABook 
  36. We move together (40392) P 2021 Call#: E FRIBook 
  37. We'll paint the octopus red (39352) 1998 Call#: E STUBook 
  38. When Charley met Emma (38877) PI Call#: E WEBBook 

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