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Search: Teenage girls--Fiction

21 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. All the things we leave behind (38177) Call#: FIC NASBook 
  2. New: 25-Apr-2024 As long as the lemon trees grow (42145) JS 2022 Call#: FIC KATBook 
  3. The Body Under the Piano [6 Books] (40160) JI 2020 Call#: LIT MYS 5-7Kit 
  4. Dress codes for small towns (39451) JS Call#: FIC STEBook 
  5. Girl mans up (38838) Call#: FIC GIRBook 
  6. Girl of the southern sea (39313) PIJ Call#: FIC KADBook 
  7. Ground Zero (40641) PI 2021 Call#: FIC GRABook 
  8. Heart like a wing (37496) Call#: FIC DUNBook 
  9. Home is not a country (41198) JS 2022 Call#: FIC ELHBook 
  10. One good thing (38551) Call#: FIC HENBook 
  11. New: 30-Aug-2023 The orphan's tale (41658) JS 2017 Call#: FIC JENBook 
  12. Other words for home (39044) PIJ 2019 Call#: FIC WARBook 
  13. Puddin' (41485) JS 2018 Call#: FIC MURBook 
  14. Sadia (38028) JS Call#: FIC NELBook 
  15. Sadia [6 Books] (41404) IJS 2018 Call#: LIT HIS 7-11Kit 
  16. The story of my face (38524) JS Call#: FIC BAUBook 
  17. Tilly : a story of hope and resilience (39039) JS Call#: FIC GRABook 
  18. Tilly : a story of hope and resilience [6 Books] (40601) S 2013 Call#: LIT SUR 9-12Kit 
  19. Turtles all the way down (39430) JS Call#: FIC GREBook 
  20. Yara's Spring (40975) IJ 2020 Call#: FIC SAEBook 
  21. Zara Hossain is here (41174) JST 2021 Call#: FIC KHABook 

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