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Search: Human-animal relationships--Fiction

32 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. Clan (40760) 2021 Call#: FIC BROBook 
  2. Clan [6 Books] (40879) IJ 2020 Call#: LIT SUR 4-7Kit 
  3. Flubby Is Not A Good Pet! (40688) PJ 2019 Call#: E MORBook 
  4. Four winds (38665) PIT 2019 Call#: E BOWBook 
  5. The Girl and the Wolf (40717) PI 2019 Call#: E VERBook 
  6. Harvey Comes Home [6 Books] (40158) JI 2019 Call#: LIT REA 4-7Kit 
  7. Hunter [6 books] (38067) PIJ 2012 Call#: LIT FAM 3-7 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  8. The last dog on earth [6 books] (36578) I 2003 Call#: LIT SUR 5-7Kit 
  9. New: 15-Jan-2024 Leroy Ninker saddles up [25 books] (41974) P 2014 Call#: KT 0347Kit 
  10. Leroy Ninker saddles up [6 books] (37718) P 2014 Call#: LIT HUM 2/3Kit 
  11. Life of Pi : a novel (39213) 2002 Call#: FIC MARBook 
  12. On my mountain (39664) PI 2020 Call#: E AUBBook 
  13. Owls in the family [6 books] (38244) PI 1961 Call#: LIT HUM 2-4 Digital files attached, click title name for details
  14. Pax [6 books] (37661) IJ 2016 Call#: LIT REA 6/7 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  15. Rescue & Jessica : a life-changing friendship (39393) P 2018 Call#: E KENBook 
  16. Romans on the Rampage. Chariot Champions! (40926) PI 2017 Call#: FIC CLI
  17. Sand (37573) Call#: FIC ARMBook 
  18. Scwepúp re tmicw : understanding the world (38360) IJT 2019 Call#: E BOWBook 
  19. Tanna's owl (39845) P 2019 Call#: E QITBook 
  20. Those darn squirrels! (36025) PI 2008 Call#: E RUBBook 
  21. Three (39635) 2019 Call#: E KINBook 
  22. New: 01-Aug-2023 Tough Boris (18143) P 1994 Call#: E FOXBook 
  23. Waiting for the magic [6 books] (36324) I 2011 Call#: LIT SUR 4/5Kit 

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