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Search: Missing persons--Fiction

21 item(s) were found   (hint: search may be revised at bottom of page):

  1. All the things we leave behind (38177) Call#: FIC NASBook 
  2. Anybody here seen Frenchie? (41349) PI 2022 Call#: FIC CONBook 
  3. New: 14-Jan-2025 The Bletchley riddle (42560) IJ 2024 Call#: FIC SEPBook 
  4. Boys without names [6 books] (37815) IJ 2010 Call#: LIT SUR 5-8 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  5. The bridge home (38846) IJ Call#: FIC VENBook 
  6. The Bridge Home [6 Books] (40880) IJ 2019 Call#: LIT REA 5-7Kit 
  7. The case of the missing auntie (40277) PJ 2020 Call#: LIT MYS 3-6Kit 
  8. The case of the missing auntie (40591) PI 2020 Call#: FIC HUTBook 
  9. The Case of Windy Lake [30 Books] (41338) PIJ 2019 Call#: KT 0425Kit 
  10. The case of Windy Lake [6 books] (39794) PI 2019 Call#: LIT MYS 3-7 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit 
  11. The house of one thousand eyes (38179) JS Call#: FIC BARBook 
  12. Hurricane child (40352) PI 2018 Call#: FIC CALBook 
  13. The kindness quilt (41541) 2023 Call#: E JOHBook 
  14. The Mapmakers (41301) PI 2022 Call#: FIC MERBook 
  15. Maybe a fox (38125) IJ Call#: FIC APPBook 
  16. New: 13-Dec-2023 The mystery of Black Hollow Lane (41908) IJS 2020 Call#: FIC NOBBook 
  17. One good thing (38551) Call#: FIC HENBook 
  18. The strangers (38927) Call#: FIC HADBook 
  19. Turtles all the way down (39430) JS Call#: FIC GREBook 

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