HGEC Library Learning Commons

Birchbark (15138)
Distributor S.D. #73 (Kamloops/Thompson) (0298)
Dewey 970.4117
Audience Primary, Intermediate (PI)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis This hands-on kit is designed to give children an understanding of how birchbark is used by the Shuswap Indians.
Parts 2 books, 4 info sheets, 1 stitching cardboard sample, 30 needles, 5 samples of birch, cassette, booklet, teacher booklet.
Subjects First Nations studies; First Nations; Language arts; Secwepemc (First Nations people)—Art
Call# KT 0054
Kit 1 copy
Reference Users of this title also used:
Shuswap traditional clothing kit (15306)
Appreciation of First Nations basketry traditions (31020)
Nelson science activity cards kit: grade 3 (40312)
Lakota, mixed grasslands and bald eagles [8 books] (37919)
Nelson Socials Activity Cards : Grade 3 (39863)

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