HGEC Library Learning Commons

Canadians and their government (16519)
Physical Illustrated
Produced 2002
Language English/French
Dewey 323.042
Audience Intermediate, Junior High (IJ)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Contains ready-to-use material explaining how Canada has developed and continues to develop as a democratic country. Activities use creative tasks, role playing, research and discussion tasks oriented tsks to illustrate how governments work, encourage responsible citizenship and challenge youth to understand the many different perspectives that make up Canada.
Dimensions 22 x 16 x 9 cm.
Contents Be who you want to be:freedom ; Canada and the global village ; Canada's road to independence ; Canada's system of government ; Canadian citizenship ; Canadian government ; Canadian unity ; Create a better Canada:just society ; Fairness for all:equity ; Getting involved:democracy ; Global issues and governance ; Governance ; Government and democracy ; How does the Canadian government work ; How to build your own country ; Kids book of Canadian history ; Opportunity for all:inclusion ; Respect our world:sustainability ; Rights and freedoms in Canada ; Stewardship ; The Canadian Identity ; The governor general ; The lieutenant governor ; The member of parliament ; The queen ; The senator ; Treaties ; Truth and reconciliation ; Who runs this country, anyway ; Senate of Canada [DVD] ; Culture of Canada [DVD] ; History of Canada [DVD]
Parts 3 DVD's ; 2 posters ; 6 pamphlets ; 52 books ; 1 binder
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Canada—Politics and government; Citizenship; Government; Senate; Social Studies
Call# KT 0415
Kit 1 copy


Reference Users of this title also used:
Canada's Political Parties [8 Books] (40799)
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Government : participating in Canada (21904)

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