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Write traits classroom kit : grade 1 (16520)
Produced 2004
Distributor Houghton Mifflin (0852)
Dewey 372.6
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Kit offers a way of teaching writing that helps students understand what good writing is and how to achieve it.
Author Spandel, Vicki.
Added autho Hicks, Jeff.
Dimensions In container (26 x 33 x 10 cm.).
ISBN# 0669504718 (teacher's guide)
Pub. Loc. Wilmington, MA
Parts 1 teacher's guide (xxvi, 203 p.) ; 1 student traitbook (106 p.) + overhead transparencies + posters + self-adhesive notepads + 1 writing pocket.
Stmt Resp Vicki Spandel, Jeff Hicks.
Added entry WriteTraits classroom kit : grade 1
Subjects Language arts.—local; Writing—Study and teaching; Hicks, Jeff(A)
Call# KT 0424
Kit 1 copy
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