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Exploring the issues : teens, alcohol and other drugs (20148)
Physical Illustrated; 152 pages
Produced 1995
Distributor Lions International (1211)
Publisher Lions International (1211)
Dewey 616.86
Audience Junior High, Senior High (JS)
Collection Provincial Ministry
Series Lions-Quest skills for action (0725)
Synopsis The program is divided into three parts: facts associated with young people using alcohol and drugs; community resources, laws, advertising, and activities; positive ways to have fun and how to plan a service project.
Added autho Lions International.
Dimensions 28 cm.
ISBN# 1560951478
Pub. Loc. Granville, OH
Parts 152 p.
TitleVartn Teens, alcohol and other drugs
Subjects Career and Personal Planning; Drug abuse; Drug education; Planning 10—Health; Youth-alcohol use
Call# 616.86 APA
Note Ministry recommended in 2006.
Book 1 copy

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