HGEC Library Learning Commons

Physical science : properties of matter : a science module (23280)
Physical Illustrated; 21 pages
Produced 1997
Distributor Educational Distributors (2948)
Dewey 530.4
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Professional Library
Series Eduguide (1080)
Synopsis Designed to introduce student to everyday science activities, encourage students to develop the skill to investigate scientific questions, develop an interest in the world in which we live, acquire the ability to observe and evaluate scientific processes, work cooperatively and share observations.
Dimensions 29 cm.
ISBN# 1894047133
Pub. Loc. Calgary
Parts 21 pages
Subjects Matter—Study and teaching.; Solids—Study and teaching (Elementary); Gases—Study and teaching; Science—Study and teaching; Liquids—Study and teaching (Elementary); Science
Call# 530.4 EDU
Book 1 copy
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