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Forbidden city : a novel (24202)
Physical Not Applicable
Produced 1996
Distributor Bantam Doubleday Dell Books for You (3129)
Dewey 813/.54
Audience Junior High, Senior High (JS)
Collection Professional Library
Series Laurel-leaf books (1202)
Synopsis Seventeen-year-old Alex joined his father, a cameraman for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, in China in 1989. As outsiders they faced a time of upheaval as political demonstrations began in Tiananmen Square.
Author Bell, William.
Dimensions 18 cm.
ISBN# 0440226791
Pub. Loc. New York
Parts 199 p.
Stmt Resp William Bell.
Subjects China—History—Tiananmen Square Incident, 1989—Fiction; China—History—Fiction; Historical fiction; Tiananmen Square Incident, Beijing (China), 1989—Fiction
Book 1 copy

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