HGEC Library Learning Commons

Destination 2020 (Occupation profiles) (25825)
Physical Illustrated
Copyrighted 2001
Country Canada
Dewey 331.702
Audience Intermediate, Junior High (IJ)
Collection Provincial Ministry
Synopsis This resource consists of a teacher's guide and a set of occupation profiles. It is designed to help students recognize the many skills they are acquiring now and how these skills will be useful in their future careers. The teacher's guide provides the scope of the five sections of the program, a set of activities for each section, copies of the student handouts and some large posters. The sections deal with skills and interests, personalities, occupations and looking to the future. The occupation profiles are grouped according to three categories of interest (people, information, things) and colour-coded by favorite subject areas. A web site is available that provides an on-line version of the activity handouts and profiles. Teachers will need to develop their own assessment strategies.
Dimensions 28 cm.
Pub. Loc. Ottawa, ON
Notes Also recommended for grades 8 and 9 Career and Personal planning.
Parts 9 books in cardboard sleeve.
Subjects Career and Personal Planning; Occupations; Personal Planning K-7; Vocational guidance
Call# CUR 331.702 DES
Note Ministry recommended in 2006.
Book 1 copy

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