HGEC Library Learning Commons

Mathpower 12 (blackline masters). (26797)
Physical Color; 243 pages
Copyrighted 1998
Distributor McGraw Hill (0452)
Country Canada
Dewey 510.7
Audience Senior High (S)
Collection Provincial Ministry
Series Mathpower (0508)
Synopsis This resource closely maps the content and philosophy of the Common Curriculum Framework. The framework's mathematical processes are woven throughout the resource and mathematical concepts are related to real-world situations. The student text makes good use of visual presentations, and the format is consistent throughout. This program supports the learning of mathematics in a variety of ways. Concepts and skills are presented in problem-solving contexts, and questions are designed to help students express their ideas about mathematics orally and in writing. Students are encouraged to work in small groups, where appropriate, to explore new ideas; manipulatives are used for the understanding of abstract concepts; and the use of appropriate technology is integrated throughout the text. The mathematical processes of communication, connections, estimation and mental mathematics, problem solving, reasoning, technology and visualization are integrated in examples and activities. Manipulatives, such as algebra tiles, as well as suitable software, are necessary for using the resource effectively; these are not supplied with the resource. References are made in both the student and teacher materials to specific Internet web sites which have not been evaluated.
Author Knill, George.
Dimensions 28 CM.
Edition Western ed.
ISBN# 0075225007
Pub. Loc. Toronto
Notes Blackline masters supplement MATHPOWER 12 student and teacher resources, and provide additional assignments, chapter reviews, two chapter tests (all short-answer style) from each chapter, cumulative reviews and several rich assessment tasks. Directions for using various calculators are provided.
Stmt Resp George Knill ... [et al.].
TitleVartn Mathpower twelve.
Subjects Mathematics
Call# 510.7 THO
Book 1 copy
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