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Scholastic spelling : teacher's resource book : [level 6] (27235)
Physical Illustrated; 256 pages
Produced 1998
Distributor Scholastic Canada (2434)
Dewey 372.632
Audience Teacher/Professional (T)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Includes reproducible blackline masters for student practice, student homework, vocabulary cards, and family newsletters. Also provides assessment tools in the forms of placement, practice, midyear, and end-of-year tests and answer keys.
Author Foorman, Barbara.
Dimensions 28 cm.
ISBN# 0590123483
Pub. Loc. Richmond Hill, Ont.
Stmt Resp Louisa Moats and Barbara Foorman.
TitleVartn Spelling [level 6]
Subjects English language—Spelling—Study and teaching; English language—Spelling—Problems, exercises, etc; Spellers; Vocabulary—Problems, exercises, etc; Vocabulary—Study and teaching (Elementary); Foorman, Barbara(A)
Call# CUR 372.632 SCH MOA 6
Book 1 copy

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