A reading program that uses authentic children's literature to
teach one of five reading strategies for assisting a child's reading
comprehension. The Visual strategy focuses on the ability to use the
words in a story to create mental images while reading.
Added autho
Laura Secord Elementary School (Vancouver, B.C.)
all in bin 15 x 58 x 44 cm.
Pub. Loc.
Kamloops, B.C.
18 books include: Applemando's dream ; Big red barn ; Counting kisses
; The cr
ooked apple tree ; Hailstones and halibut bones ; I wished for a
unicorn ; Imag
ine ; In the tall, tall grass ; Kates's castle ; The night the stars
flew ; Pud
dles ; The sailor dog ; A salmon for Simon ; Some smug slug ; Then and
now ; A
tree is nice ; Where the forest meets thesea ; Wherever bears be.