HGEC Library Learning Commons

Probability and data (29040)
Copyrighted 2003
Distributor Learning Resources (1005)
Country Canada
Dewey 519
Audience Intermediate, Junior High (IJ)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis This kit contains materials for your students to explore the concepts of probability and data analysis. Includes: predicting outcomes, data gathering, organizing information and coummunicating results using activity cards.
Dimensions In container (10 x 26 x 36 cm.).
Pub. Loc. Vernon Hills, IL
Parts Student materials: various spinners, dice, chips and coins. Overhead materials: spinners, dice, chips, playing cards.
Added entry Deluxe probability kit
TitleVartn Deluxe probability kit.
Subjects Math; Math games; Mathematics—Manipulatives; Numeracy; Probabilities; Numeracy Resources(CK)
Call# KT 0881
Kit 2 copies
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