HGEC Library Learning Commons

Measure up in the kitchen (30924)
Physical Color; Sound; 17 minutes
Produced 1999
Distributor McIntyre Media (2235)
Country Canada
Dewey 641.5
Audience Junior High, Senior High (JS)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis "The video moves quickly. There is also just the right amount of repetition to emphasize the points being made." - School Library Journal "Ideal for beginning cooks and students." - BooklistLearn the basics: · How to measure dry and liquid ingredients for cooking. · How dry and liquid measures differ. · What every cook needs to perform basic measurements. · Why a cup is not always a cup nor any spoon a measuring device.
Dimensions 12 cm.
Pub. Loc. Orangeville, ON
Parts 1 DVD-ROM (17 min.) : 1 teacher's guide.
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Cooking; Diet; Home economics 8-12—Food studies; Kitchen utensils; Measuring instruments; Nutrition
Call# DV 0197
DVD 1 copy

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