HGEC Library Learning Commons

Less is more : teaching literature with short texts, grades 6-12 (31215)
Physical Illustrated; 222 pages
Produced 2007
Distributor Stenhouse Publishers (3111)
Dewey 809.3/1/
Audience Teacher/Professional (T)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Provides strategies for using short text—including essays, short stories, and graphic novels—to teach literature in grades sixth through twelve; and includes reading, writing, and response activities and a list of resources.
Author Campbell, Kimberly Hill.
Dimensions 24 cm.
ISBN# 9781571107107 (alk. paper)
Pub. Loc. Portland, Me.
LCCN PN59 .C235 2007
Contents Teaching literature with short texts -Structures and strategies that support the teaching of short texts -Short stories -Essays -Memoir -Poetry -Children's literature and picture books -Graphic novels.
Parts x
Stmt Resp Kimberly Hill Campbell.
TitleVartn Teaching literature with short texts, grades 6-12
Subjects Graphic novels; Literature—Study and teaching; Literature—Study and teaching (Secondary)
Call# 809.3 CAM
Book 1 copy
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