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The truth about stories: a native narrative [5 books] (31837)
Physical 172 pieces
Copyrighted 2003
Distributor House of Anansi (3159)
Country Canada
Dewey 813.54
Audience Junior High (J)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis In the 2003 CBC Massey Lectures, author, scholar and photographer Thomas King looks at the breadth and depth of native experience and imagination. Beginning with native oral stories, King weaves his way through literature and history, religion and politics, popular culture and social protest, in an effort to make sense out of North America's relationship with its Aboriginal peoples.
Author King, Thomas
Dimensions 21 cm.
ISBN# 9780887846960 0887846963
Pub. Loc. Toronto, ON
Contents 6 books ; 1 Literature Circles guide.
Notes English 12 First Peoples.
Theme: Realism
Parts 6 books ; 1 guide all in a 30 x 27 cm. plastic bag.
Stmt Resp Thomas King
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Canadian literature—First Nations authors; First Nations; Literature—Study and teaching (Secondary); Literature Circles(CK)
Call# LIT REA 9/10
Kit 1 copy
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