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| Title
Go, Galileo! : a musical celebration of the sciences (33591) |
| Physical
Illustrated; Sound; 60 pages
| Produced
| Distributor
Heritage music press
| Audience
Intermediate (I)
| Collection
Professional Library
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| Synopsis
Test tubes and beakers meet toe-tappin' beats in this musical
celebration of scientists and their work. With styles from reggae to
funk to Beach-Boys-inspired surf rock, the songs in "Go, Galileo!"
showcase Mark Burrows's gift for pairing meaty yet memorable texts
with catchy, singable melodies. That combination brings the sciences
alive for your students with songs that make physics matter, give
Newton gravity, relay the relative relevance of Einstein's
relativity, and point out that George Washington Carver is worth more
than mere peanuts. A reproducible fact sheet introducing each
scientist or concept is included, as are suggestions for correlating
activities. Designed for the non-science teacher and requiring very
little setup or outside materials, these may be used in collaboration
with your classroom teachers to extend the cross-curricular
component. Also included are reproducible vocal parts and a
Perf/Accomp CD featuring tracks so hot they're radioactive!
| Author
Burrows, Mark.
| Dimensions
28 cm.
| Pub. Loc.
Dayton, Ohio
| Contents
Go, Galileo -Three laws of motion -Evolution -The peanut
-Radioactivity -Surfin' through the science of sound -Solid, liquid,
gas -Imagination is more important than knowledge -A new revolution
-Ode to Pluto (You'll always be a planet to me).
| Notes
Accompanied by: Mixed-media CD-ROM, includes sound recordings
and data files. "A smarty pants book".
| Parts
1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.).
| Stmt Resp
Mark Burrows.
| TitleVartn
Musical celebration of the sciences
| Subjects
Children's songs;
ScienceStudy and teaching;
| Call#
| Holdings
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