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Math-terpieces : the art of problem-solving (33772)
Physical Illustrated; 31 pages
Produced 2003
Distributor Scholastic Press (3959)
Dewey 510
Audience Primary, Intermediate (PI)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis A series of rhymes about artists and their works introduces counting and grouping numbers, as well as such artistic styles as cubism, pointillism, and surrealism.
Author Tang, Greg.
Dimensions 27 cm.
Edition 1st ed.
ISBN# 0439443881
Pub. Loc. New York
LCCN QA248 .T365 2003
Stmt Resp by Greg Tang ; illustrated by Greg Paprocki.
TitleVartn Mathterpieces
Subjects Arithmetic; Art appreciation; Counting; Mathematics; Set theory; Picture Books(CK)
Book 2 copies
Reference Users of this title also used:
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