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A winter for Leo [6 books] (33800)
Physical Color; 124 pieces
Copyrighted 2006
Distributor Harper/Trophy (3365)
Country Canada
Audience Primary, Intermediate (PI)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Leo is a flying squrrrel with a big problem. As part of his family's acrobatic circ us troupe travelling through the forest, Leo is expected to perform feats of daring on the high wire. Only he is much smaller than his brothers and sisters, and one pa w is abnormal, making it difficult for Leo to maintain his balance in the air. After her ruins the final show of the season, Leo decides to run away. Although he secre tly hopes his family will come looking for him, he realizes that he is lost far from home and winter is fast approaching. Leo is forced to take refuge with a kindly an d very short-sighted mole couple, whose underground home and unfamiliar life present some difficult challenges for a flying squirrel. But in learning some new skills, Leo also learns that what makes him different also makes him strong.
Author Leroux, Nicole
Dimensions 19 cm.
ISBN# 139780006395829
Pub. Loc. Toronto, ON
Notes Theme: Fantasy
Parts 6 books ; guide.
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Fantasy; Reading; Literature Circles(CK)
Call# LIT FAN 3/4
Kit 1 copy
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