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Splitting the herd : a corral of odds and evens (33926)
Physical Illustrated; 31 pages
Produced 2008
Distributor Millbrook Press (3199)
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Introduces the concepts of odd and even, through a story in which Kirby and Emma try to split up their herd of cows.
Author Harris, Trudy.
Added autho Julian, Russell
Dimensions 24 x 28 cm.
Edition 1st Scholastic ed.
ISBN# 9780545209250
Pub. Loc. Minneapolis, Minn.
Stmt Resp written by Trudy Harris ; illustrations by Russell Julian.
Subjects Arithmetic—Study and teaching; Counting—Fiction; Number theory—Fiction; Stories in rhyme; Picture Books(CK); Julian, Russell,—ill(A)
Book 1 copy

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