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Talking dice (34050)
Copyrighted 2005
Distributor Tralco Educational - Lingo Fun (1170)
Country Canada
Language English/French
Dewey 448.2
Audience Primary, Intermediate, Junior High (PIJ)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Combining visual and oral practice helps the learning process and long term retention. At a simple roll of a dice, your students are encouraged to say what they see - practicing their French vocabulary in a fun and engaging way. The various ways to use the dice include: single word recognition; sentence building using various tenses; combininations of topics to encourage complex sentences; and story-telling. An example: throw one weather dice with another topic and the sentence could be "S'il fait beau, je mettrai un T-shirt." May be used by individuals or in groups.
ISBN# 0955042909
Contents 1 teacher's notes — 1 student workbook — 25 picture dice.
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Français (Langue); French as a second language; French collections; French language; Games; Jeux; French Resources(CK)
Call# KT 1782
Kit 1 copy

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