HGEC Library Learning Commons

Jeux pour la classe de francais (34157)
Physical Illustrated; 55 pages
Produced 1998
Distributor Languages for kids (3931)
Audience Teacher/Professional (T)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Review French verb conjugations in any tense and vocabulary through fun board games. This book covers basic conversational skills, the house, numbers 1-10, foods, weather, transportation, clothing, daily activities, animals, and regular, irregular and reflexive verbs. Games may be played directly from the book or enlarged and colored, making each game unique. Book comes with present regular and irregular verb conjugations. Games are printed with and without text.
Author Haughom, Lisa.
Added autho Bedard, Catherine.
Dimensions 28 cm.
Pub. Loc. Denver, Colo.
Stmt Resp all activities and illustrations by Lisa Haughom and Catherine Bedard.
Subjects Core French; Français (Langue)—Étude et enseignement.; French language—Study and teaching; Games; French Resources(CK); Bedard, Catherine(A)
Call# PROF 448.2 HAU
Book 1 copy

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