HGEC Library Learning Commons

Beaver and porcupine [6 books] (34249)
Physical Illustrated; 16 pieces
Produced 2011
Distributor Pearson (3171)
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Guided Reading
Series Turtle Island voices (0284)
Synopsis Beaver and Porcupine is a retelling of a traditional Tlingit story in which the friends Beaver and Porcupine discover that although they are different, their friendship makes them kind, respectful, and caring of each other. Aboriginal stories designed to foster and promote literacy for young readers through the ancient ways of teaching and learning life lessons.
Author Bouchard, David.
Dimensions 15 cm.
ISBN# 9781770580251
Pub. Loc. Don Mills, ON
Contents 6 books ; 1 teacher's guide.
Parts 6 books ; 1 guide in plastic bag.
Stmt Resp David Bouchard ; art by Nidhi Chanani.
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Animals—Fiction; Beavers—Fiction; Easy reading materials; First Nations; Guided reading; Porcupines—Fiction; Reading materials; Friendship—Fiction
Call# GR 11 (27)
Kit 1 copy
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