HGEC Library Learning Commons

Around the world [6 books] (34262)
Physical Illustrated; 16 pieces
Produced 2011
Distributor Pearson (3171)
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Guided Reading
Series Turtle Island voices (0284)
Synopsis Around the World is an informational text about Indigenous peoples. Readers meet Maya, Sami, Hmong, Torres Strait Islander, and Maasai children and learn that these children are Indigenous in the same way that First Nations, Métis, and Inuit are the Indigenous peoples of Canada. The book concludes with Turtle Island Circle, a feature that prompts readers to make connections.
Author Cutting, Robert.
Dimensions 15 cm.
ISBN# 9781770580404
Pub. Loc. Don Mills, ON
Contents 6 books ; 1 teacher's guide.
Parts 6 books ; 1 guide in plastic bag
Stmt Resp Robert Cutting.
Guide Guide Included
Subjects First Nations; Guided reading; Reading materials; Aboriginal; Easy reading materials; Indigenous peoples
Call# GR 24 (09)
Kit 1 copy
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