HGEC Library Learning Commons

Arctic fox [6 copies] (34775)
Physical Illustrated
Produced 2010
Distributor Oxford (1230)
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Guided Reading
Series Zoozoo animal world (0139)
Synopsis The Zoozoo series is focused on developing early literacy skills with an emphasis on science and math. These materials explore a range of early reading concepts and can be used for oral language activities to stimulate language development and literacy. Includes stories that use repetitive sentence stems and important high frequency words to teach about animal lifestyles and habitats. Strong text-picture matching provides visual clues to help decode text.
Author Waters, Lee.
ISBN# 9781601574008
Pub. Loc. Don Mills, ON
Contents 6 books.
Parts 6 books in plastic bag.
Stmt Resp Lee Waters.
Subjects Animals; Easy reading materials; Guided reading; Math; Mathematics; Reading materials; Science; Foxes
Call# GR 04 (14)
Kit 1 copy
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