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| Title
Canada kit - primary (34928) |
| Physical
| Country
| Audience
Primary, Intermediate (PI)
| Collection
Booking Library
| Synopsis
Study Canada! Learn about the geography of provinces and
territories, industries,
history, heritage, traditions, music and celebrations.
| Dimensions
55 x 40 cm. plastic tub
| Contents
All about Canada grade 2 ; Canadian traditions and celebrations ; I am
Canada ; Our
Canadian flag ; All about Canada: exploring Canada series ; The kids
book of great C
anadian women ; Forestry ; Farming ; Fishing ; Mining ; Saskatchewan ;
Nova Scotia ;
Alberta ; British Columbia ; Newfoundland and Labrador ; New Bruswick
; Prince Edwa
rd Island ; Quebec ; Ontario ; Manitoba ; Yukon ; Nunavut ; Northwest
Territories ; Arctic Stories ; 8 Canadians at Home books ; 8 Canadian
Celebrations books ; 8 Canadians at Work books ;
Canada is for kids [cd] v.1 ; Canada map ; Dry erase Canada maps ; All
about Canada reproducible worksheet ; Aboriginal Canada binder with
reproducible worksheets.
| Parts
1 cd ; 1 map ; 12 dry erase maps with guide ; 48 books ; 1
reproducable "All about C
anada"worksheet ; 1 desk set of 14 provincial flags with stand ; 1
white binder.
| Guide
Guide Included
| Subjects
Social Studies
| Call#
KT 0036
| Holdings
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Resources |
Reference |
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